Chapter 6 - Dinner

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"Stupid idiotic people. Nothing better to do...idiots"

Anokhi was mad. No not mad pissed off is better. She angrily walked to into the elevator and stabbed the button. She kept pacing inside the elevator as she was fuming with anger. She wanted to throw something.

As the elevator stopped she headed to her apartment. She unlocked the door and opened it. She had taken one step in when she remembered about Shaurya. She walked over to his house and knocked. She waited for what seemed like ages and started to tap her foot in agitation. When there was no response from him she took out her phone. Her intent was to yell at him but realized that she didn't have his number. She kicked his door in anger and walked to her house again.

As she was about to step in when the elevator dinged. She paused to see who it was. As if destined Shaurya exited. He was smiling and humming a tune as he walked off the elevator. When he spotted her his smiled widened but she was in no mood to smile. The fact that he clearly had a good day was irritating her even more. She glared at him and walked inside her house without closing the door.

In the kitchen she started to pull out the ingredients and slammed them on the counter. She was trying to grab the red curry mix from a high shelf when she felt Shaurya enter the kitchen. Ignoring him she tried to get on her tippy toes to grab the jar but not having any luck.  She was about to give up when she felt him behind her. He placed one hand on her waist and the other reached up to grab the jar. The ease in which he grabbed the jar just built upon her frustration.

She turned around expecting him to move away from her, when he didn't move back she just looked at his shoulder.  For a few minutes they stood like that. His hand on her waist the other on the counter holding the jar. When he didn't move she forced herself to talk.


Even to her ears the thanks held a angry tone to it. He didn't say anything again. So she tried a different tactic.

"Can you move?"

After 10 seconds he moved back. She grabbed the jar and almost slammed it on the counter before she realized it was glass. She started taking the veggies out and started to wash them. The silence was irritating her. Couldn't he see that she was mad. He didn't even say anything to her or ask her what was wrong.

"I came home late so it's going to be a while for dinner. I will call you when it's ready. I mean I will walk over since I don't have your number. I can't call."

The last part about the number came out in an annoyed manner. She saw him move from the corner of her eye. It was tempting to turn and see what he was doing but she didn't want to look at him.

After a few minutes he came to stand near her

"Are you okay Anokhi? Did I do something wrong?"

The softness in his voice made her feel bad about the way she was acting. Still she held on to her anger.

"Nothings wrong. It's just been a long day."

"If you like we can have dinner another time?"


She just dropped the veggies she was cleaning in the bowl and started to walk away. He stopped her and made her face him. When she didn't look at him. He moved her chin up to make her look.

His face was full of concern and question. A little bit of anger evaporated just seeing his face.Not being able to hold his gaze any longer she lowered her face.

"Sorry I am being rude to you. It's not your fault. I had a bad day at work. Sorry"

He moved forward even more she started to get that butterfly in the stomach feeling with him being so close. He moved his hand away from the counter and he placed it on her cheek.

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