21. A Fight For.....

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Shaurya was pissed off. This was not new to him anymore since he spent most of Ahir's visit in anger. Even though him and Ahir got along great, it didn't stop Shaurya from wanting to punch him.

In fact if Ahir had been home right now, Shaurya would have punched him already. Today Ahir broke all lines of proper etiquette.   Just thinking about this morning made him mad again.  What has started out as a great morning took a sideways turn during breakfast.

Forcing himself to not think about it again. He took a deep breath and sat down. Though he was anything but thirsty he picked up lemonade and drank it without appreciating the flavor.

10 minutes later when Anokhi entered the balcony his anger still hadn't dissipated. Thankfully, it was less than before so he was able to mask it and give Anokhi a small smile. When she didn't respond he knew that his fake smile didn't fool her.

" I know your upset about this morning"

He didn't respond. How could he without lying to her.

"Don't be mad Shaurya. I told you how Ahir is. Sometimes he doesn't realize his boundaries."

"He is not a child Anokhi. And why are you apologizing for him."

"I know he isn't a child. I feel partially responsible for what happened this morning."

He sighed, this was the last thing he wanted to happen. Anokhi had nothing to do with anything that happened. Which was why he tried to hide his feelings and thoughts of the last few days from her. Clearly he did not do a good job of hiding. Placing his hand on hers he gave it a small squeeze.

"It's not your fault. It's my fault. I know I shouldn't be as irritated but I just can't help myself."

He noticed a small smirk on her face before she hid it. He couldn't understand what about the conversation would make her smile.

"Forget about Ahir. Tell me what do you want for dinner. You and I can go out to dinner."

"Why where is Mr. Flirt?" He tried to ease some tension with the name but failed.

"He already made plans."

He knew better than to ask about the plans but his curiosity got the better of him.

"What plans and with who?"

"Ahir and Devi are going to movies and Thai food"


"Shaurya! Why are you so surprised?"

He ignored her question. Instead asked his burning questions

"Devi wouldn't go today. She never goes out on this day. It's one of her rules"

Anokhi raised her shoulders in a I don't know gesture.

"Ahir must have convinced her"

Shaurya couldn't stay seated anymore. His anger was back in full force. He moved towards the edge of the balcony his hands fisted on the railing.

"He is the limit. Who does he think he is? Does he even....I mean who....actually why"

He had to stop himself and take a deep breath. Nothing he was saying made any sense. Had he continued down this path of thinking he would have ended up breaking something.

He turned to look at Anokhi. She was looking at him in shock.


His tone was gruff and annoyed.


Before he could voice his frustration and confusion she got up and left. He stood there, in the balcony, trying to figure out what the hell just happened to her. Wishing that Ahir was there so he could take out some of his frustrations on him. A few seconds later he heard banging from inside the apartment. Clearly he had done something and Anokhi was mad. With a sigh he went inside wondering what he said and cursing Ahir one more time.

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