Chapter 4

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Lavender was on the ladder arranging new books that arrived today, Its been a week since she started working here, on the pack library.
Avery, the former worker got pregnant and her mate was worried about her health so much that she has to quit the job, well males can be extremely protective over their mate and the pup during pregnancy, its really common in their world. The males will go all possessive over their mate until the delivary.

Since the post was vacant Lavender got the job. Its not like she needs the money, Its just that she was bored at home, all day having nothing to do, ever since the last incident Tylor refused to let her go to the mountains and this job seems like a perfect distraction.

Lavender always admired the Pack library, Its so big, and It contains almost all kind of books, from nursery rhymes to the eroticas! As several pack members daily stop by to pick up something, the library is always crowded.

Everyonce in a while someone stop by to say hello to her. May be its about time she left her awkwardness behind and try to be a social bee.

The best thing Lavender particularly found fascinating about that place is that it had a basement! Mr.Jamison Margeret's father, the head Librarian is the only one who has permission to go there other than Alpha and Luna.

Lavender once heared Margaret mentioning that there are several archieves of magical books stored in the basement, and all are about the supernaturals like warewolves, witches, vampires, fairies etc, and she used to doubt whether is there anything regarding the hybrids and what happened to them.

Its was about the lunch time Lavender had got a break from the forever work, since library located at the pack house she can see the new batch of juveniles training over the arena from where she stand, they are supposed to join the pack warriors when the next alpha, beta and gamma take over, which was on the next full moon.

All three of the new leaders are present at the arena, Gabriel their next gamma was training the males,
Tylor was extremely busy flirting with the female warriors that he was supposed to train.

Alpha Aiden was there as well, and he glared at Lavender when he spotted she was looking at them.

She looks away as her energy is too drained to make a glare in return, even if she doesn't like that guy it doesn't stung less. She was always been a sensitive person, being hated by their future alpha made her feel insecure.

And Aiden had hated her from their childhood itself. It will be okey for Lavender, if he was a bad person, but thats the thing! he is not. He is by far the most nicest wolf in their pack, So strong and smart, always been so kind, and helpful towards the fellow pack mates. Each and every pack members respects and believes him so much. There is no doubt that he will be a good leader.

Almost every unmated shewolf in their pack had a crush on him, hoping to be his luna, well too bad he want his true mate.

He is twenty four, apparently Alphas found their mate within five years after their first shift, and Aiden is waiting for almost six years.

Well he can choose a mate from unmated shewolves though, a chosen mate is not unfamiliar idea in their world, few of their pack members decided to be with a chosen mate rather than wait for their true mate.
But a true mate is considered to be very special, a gift from the moon goddess, the other part of their soul which completes them. A chosen bond can never be as same as that.

Lavender always wondered whether she had a mate or not. Well goddess never blessed her with a wolf, atleast she can give her a mate right!

Amanda was the only one among the three of them found her mate, Margeret never wants a true mate, she believes in true love that happen naturally without the force of a bond.

Lavender still remember the lecture she received from her parents before the day of her eighteenth birthday,

Your mate will smell like the best thing you have ever smelled, you can confirm the mate bond with an simple eye contact, your wolf will give you the confirming signals, and both of you can feel the sparks when you guys touched. Its the best feeling in the whole world, Just embrace it and live the moment Lave..

Sadly for them, nothing ever happened on the next day or the following birthdays as well. And she will be reaching twenty one in two weeks.
Her parents never lose their hope in her, they told her to be strong and wait for the right time. Its like they know something about her that she didn't know.
But this time she can feel it too, something tells her that it will be different this time. And hopefully for the best.

Laveee....come down here..
Tylor was calling her downwards, well looks like someone has finally spotted their little sister!

To be continued.....

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