Chapter 15

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Lavender hugged her grandparents dearly. She had really missed them since both of them are in the Elders Committe and have to travel alot for resolving issues faced by warewolves.

The committee is considered to be the superior authority of warewolves. They have power over each and every packs.

Grandfather used to be the beta of their pack before father, they moved out after some years of retirement. Since warewolves age slowly and comparatively had a high lifespan they are still fit and strong enough.

They exchange pleasantries during lunch, apparently both of them put away their bags as soon as they hear the news about her shift.

We are going to be here for a few days and am planning to train her myself from tomorrow itself!
Her grandmother informed everyone sternly.

Everyone nodded supportively.

Lavender was extremely thrilled to have her here.
she can't wait to spend some quality time with her grandmother. Its been so long!
May be she can ask her about the eastern mountains and that magical clans.


Lavender stretches her body after a really good nap. She really needed that after the last night's events. Even her body is no longer in any pain, she feel extremely tired. And the feeling of incompleteness is still haunting her.

As she descend the stairs she can see her grandmother was preparing to be out.

Where are you going grandmother? She asked expectantly.

Just the pack library dear. I have to have some journals froms the basement.

Ohh...wait did she say basement?

Why she have to go there?

I think nobody has permission to enter the basement? She express her concerns

But her grandmother just smiled wickedly at her and leave, before muttering a "I don't care" towards her.

Well.. Okey then!

May be she was planning to sneak into the basement or something.


Aiden faced the moving forest from the passenger seat of their car.
They were travelling to the Crescent moon pack, the pack which experience the search attack a few weeks earlier. The alpha informed them that the pack members are still wary from that shock and may be act strange towards them.

He can't blame them, its not easy to face a bunch of people dying from spilling blood without any actions.

It was their last destination on this journey and he was really looking forward to this visit, not because of the attacks..but for an entirely another reason... his mate.. he really hoped she will be in was the last pack on their neighbourhood.

He had grown up hearing stories of mates and seeing the magical bond they share..he always envisioned to have that. That's why he was still searching for her, even after facing so many temptations from all of those shewolves who throw themselves at him.

He never knew what to do if he failed to find her! An alpha must have his luna before completing a year after taking over the position. Its the rule. He have to choose between her mate and the pack. If he choose the pack then he have to have a chosen mate, he shuddered at that thought..he really don't wish to go through that after waiting for so long.

He take his eyes away from the forest to look at his companions, Gabriel was driving peacefully as Tylor sleeps soundly on the backseat.

He passed a irritated look towards Tylor. Not only that idiot don't sleep for a bit, he also kept everyone awake. Whole night he moaned about how he missed "her" special day, And how much he regret being the world's worst brother, and how he is planning a big surprise for "her".
Aiden huffed at that thought!

Only if Tylor knows about his precious Lavender!! But Aiden knows, that its not the right time for him to know.!

And when the time comes..
They have to prepare for a war!

To be continued...

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