Chapter 30

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Madam Papilloma has her usual frown fixed on her face, which she mastered only for the encounters with Felicia.

The white witch knows that she messed up again which made the Coven chief disappoint badly this time.

Care to explain why Lord Benjamin's slaves were on our territory? She questioned her with a scowl.

Seeing that Felicia accepted silence over answering her, Madam Papilloma sighed, already guessing the outcome.
You found her right? She whispered slowly after some time... clearly anticipating a no in return. But Felicia managed a nod as a response.
Which made a mixture of fear and hope on the chief's eyes.

Felicia understands her worry, Their "Coven of Silver Pot" is a small community with about a hundred white witches as members.
Unlike Black witches they choose peace over power and greed, means they are not as stronger as those. Their clear refusal to perform any kind rituals regarding sacrifices and not practicing sorcery made them pure.

Its not your fault Felicia! Papilloma comforts her with a kind smile.
Fate has his own plans.. the prophesy will pave its own way one way or another.. we can't control were just a medium.
The head witch knows everything about her companion... she knows why Felicia joined their clan twenty one years ago...that horrible night... the baby... the blood moon..

Just be safe okey!

With that being said Papilloma take off to her cabin.. there is no use in explaining the consequences.. Felicia will give her own life in a bit without even thinking for that girl... she only hoped that her coven didn't have to be a part of that consequences...

Felicia knows that it was about time the Vampire king will send his army to fetch her. And she can't drag her innocent Coven members into this dead war, They stand with her and show her support when she was at her worst.. she have to do something.. she have to seek help from someone who the Vampire king himself is afraid of.. she don't have any other option.. the time is limited.


Mystic Land is the neighbourhood of Silver Pot, The clan of fairies!

Unlike Witches who prefer to stay apart because of their different natures, the fae folkes actually stay together despite their differences, which means there are evil as well as pure fairies in a same clan.

Veni ad me

Felicia waited at the border after sending the message.. she prefers to don't mingle with their kind as much as possible even if there is no patrolling guards on their border like Warewolves and Vampires do.

You summoned me dear friend?! Its been a long time..

A fairy asked with a cheerful and friendly smile. At one look everyone may find her as a innocent pretty girl but Felicia knows better and they are anything but friends.

Am not here to hang out Evlania but to claim my favour back!

With that her smile faded and replaced with a knowing look.. The witch saved her life from a deadly poison years before, and If one thing all the supernaturals have in common, its the will to follow their vows and promises.

What do you want Felicia?

I want you to distract some patrolling guards until I finish my Job!

Thats so simple! Don't tell me you forgot how to cast spells.. its a simple task.

We can't cast spell on them..

But why??

Because they will not be effected by the spell of witches..

Come on! Don't be ridiculous! The only people a witch can't cast spell is.. wait a minute.. you are NOT going THERE right??

Evlania's golden face is now pale as a moon..

Its risky I know, but there is no other option before me... this is the last door of help... and you can't backed down cause you owe me one!

With a determined look Felicia showed her hand towards the fay which the latter accepted with a gulp.

Itinerantur est ubi volo

The palace is huge... they watched it from a little afar while hiding in the bushes. This land is repelled to magical powers.

There are ruthless warriors at the boarding gate. Nothing will work with them not after...

Are you sure you want to do this?
You know it right they don't appreciate your company.

Thats enough Evlania!

Just do what I have asked you to do.
I only need help with passing the guards. I can manage everything else.

The fea let out a defeated sigh before making the perfect innocent lost face and move towards the direction of royal gate.

Felicia knows she got this! Fairies are not like witches, they can't perform every magics.. apart from simple basics every fairy has a particular special power. Evlania's power is Manupulation. She can break anyone with one glaze.

While the fae was busy crying and getting everyone's attention and sympathy the White Witch climbed the fence and jump inside without making any noise..

Since they don't celebrate the Full moon any more.. they spend the quality time with their families and friends on this particular day so there is pure tranquility around the atmosphere...

The whole palace and its premise itself is as large as her coven lands. Given that they have more than one lakh of members here.. its only fair that the ruler have a large mansion.

If Lord Benjamin have a clan of five thousand members.. here their army itself have about twenty thousand warriors in them. The most strongest, roughest and smartest in the whole world of supernaturals..

She took more than an hour to reach near the royal chamber. There are guard over there eyeing her skeptically... she can't dodge from them like she does with the others..

Am here to meet the Alpha King!
Just tell him its Felicia, he knows me.

She requested politely and waited after a guard excused himself to deliver her message.

There is a total number of five guards judging her every move with a scrowl. Seems like they found out that she is a witch..

His Majesty is waiting for your presence.. you may go in!

Her terrifired figure stepped in after a little pep talk with herself. The meeting hall still looks elegant just like she remembered it to be ... nothing is changed over the years..

Well well! What we have here? Am so sad.. why it took you 273 full moons to grace us with your precious presence again?

King Hedrian Nero Titus!

Even If the King is mocking her.. Felicia can see the pure hatred on his eyes. He hated her with his whole soul.

She is ashamed for her actions..and regret for that stupid decision with every breath she took.. he is suffering because of her....

I need your help.. she whispered softly.

The Alpha King snorted at that!

I know you were at the Coven of Silver Pot!
You know why I never bothered you and still kept you alive when I can able to rip you into pieces?

Felicia shakes her head as a reply even If she knows the answer. She saw it coming..


The whole royal pack of Midnight's trembled at his sneer!!!

To be continued...

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