Chapter 16

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Lavender can hear the chirping of birds and the flow of waterfall as she follows her grandmother through the forest. Even the sun has yet to shine there is no utter darkness. They are moving to the river bangs for her training. The cold breeze of early morning welcomed them.

When I was a teenager, I used to come here daily. It was my favourite hide out. Damn! How I missed this place.

Her grandmother explained while eyeing the place nostalgically as they reach their destination.

Let's have some meditation sweety, its important to have mind control and discipline with fighting skills.
Grandmother said dragging Lavender to the rocks, before making them sits cross legged.

Just close your eyes and feel your surroundings. Observe the sounds and scents arounds you. As you are shifted now, your senses are increased than normal and it is necessary to practice them and be conscious about it.

Lavender keenly listened to the instructions.

She can hear the sounds of birds singing, insects humming, crashing of leaves, rustling of woods, whistling of wind through the branches, the flowing river, falling of waterfall, murmures of animals and so on...

And she can smells, the earthy scent of nature, the wildflowers, herbs, weeds, trees, river, roots on soil, animals, blood, and many other dry, wet, damp smells that wind brought out to her.

She really feels refreshened. She savoured each and every senses.


You can open your eyes Lave.
Its more than enough.

They stands for doing some primary warm ups and stretchings.

Now think about your wolf and imagine yourself shifting to it, let me see what every one was bragging about...grandmother informed her sternly.

Lavender moved towards the bushes for shifting since she have to remove her clothes, otherwise her dresses will torn apart while the shift and she didn't have any extra clothes with her.

She expected for a deep pain like last time as she proceeds the shifting, but surprisingly it was ease. She shake her furs before running towards her grandmother while jumping playfully.

Her grandmother faced her wide eyed. Before trailing her hands over the furs.
Go for a run and come back after shifting. She said slowly.

The wolf bounced happily and spring towards the jungle.
She chased the butterflies, scared the little rabbits, jumped over the fallen trees, and rolled in the mud.
Later she had a swim in the river before shifting back to her human form.
She really did enjoyed this solo run more than the pack run...

Her grandmother was in deep thoughts as she arrived back.

The moon loved dark...

The elder starts out of nowhere.

Do you want to hear a story Lavender? About Midnight black wolves?

She turned to face Lavender. Something in her face shows that its not just a story, its an history!

She nodded unable to utter any reply.

The moon goddess, Serene had created all the supernatural beings in a goodfaith for the prosperity of earth.

She created the witches firstly. Initially the white witches were created for blessings and the black witches were there to punish the wrong doers.
Later she created fairies for providing happiness and vampires for the loyal rulings.

Even if they were all respectful towards their creator they failed to address humans as their equals. They had a superior complex surrounding them which lead to the misuse of the powers. They fought in between for authority.

Back in time everyone was known about moon goddess as she used to constantly visit earth for checking their well beings. The witches made sure to hide everything from the goddess's eye and the vampires threaten the humans from spilling anything.

In one of that visits she was called up by a group of people, they complained her on behalf of humans about the cruelties of the supernaturals and their life harming threats.
From them she came to know about everything including the insecurities all of them feeling.

Feeling sad about this, Serene summoned her each and every creatures. Before warning them thoroughly and removing them from the human world to a specific region and closed it with mountains.

She assaign each of them each clans and set new laws and rules.

She remove the memory about the supernaturals from everyone except the group which complained to her.
For their bravery she blessed them with a power.

A wolf!

There created the first Midnight black wolves. Since the moon loved darkness which helps her to shine she made them black.

Goddess instructed them to have a closed life, within a community. She created bonds and mates for them. And made them promise to stand connected.
She makes sure to provide love and trust in between them.

Even she later created other wolves...Midnight stands different since they were the favourites of moon goddess from all of her creations. Including other supernaturals...

Grandmother paused from telling rest of the story.

Did they have more powers than ordinary wolves?
What happened then? Why they were no more Midnights?  How the portal was made?And above everything else.. how can she have a midnight black wolf??

Lavender waited eagerly for knowing more she was intrigued... but her grandmother remained silent like it was painful for her to continue the story.

Sorry am a bit late!

The voice startled Lavender!
She reluctantly turned to face the person she was scared to meet for weeks.

There stood, with usual grace, and elegancy...

The white witch!

Hello Felicia, don't worry you are on time! We just finished telling the first part of the story.

What the... Lavender spin in a light speed to look at her grandmother.

They knew eachother!!!!

To be continued.....

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