Chapter 13

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Everyone chorused as she get into her home after the shift. The crowd including her parents, bestfriends and their family, Alpha Jackson, Luna Lilly, Gamma Michael, Gamma female Betty, Oliver and some of the warriors and their family.

Lavender smiled brightly this was so thoughtful of them. She felt her tears welled up because of happiness.

Everyone hugged her personally wishing their regards.

The party was light and intimate, only with close friends and family. Since Tylor was the one who always plan big parties with whole pack and he does promise to do one as he gets back they stood at this as a custom.

Do you like it sweety? Her mom asked holding her sideways. The whole house was decorated with Tulips..her favourite flower, they served her favourite chocolate cake, and everyone bring exquisite gifts to her.

I loved it mother! Thank you so much. She replied happily.

She was indeed happy.
This is home!
She just hoped that this was indeed her birth date!


She sat at her balcony melted in deep thoughts after every guests went home.

All she feel was numb, despite Amanda and Margaret convince her about forgoting that incident altogether and never mentioned that topic anymore, she can't help it. She tried to reassure herself that its not the truth.

But its not so easy as it says!
She sighed heavily.

Out of the blue, a piece of paper flashed on the air falling into her lap. Her room then smelled like jasmine...

She eyed the paper warily! She know who it is from, Felicia. Who else she knows can possibly do that?
Why she had to do this?
Can't she leave her alone?
Lavender cursed her luck!

She move paper to her study table and stay away from it. She don't want to read those. She was done dealing with that matter..


Time went by, its almost quarter to twelve. She can't able to sleep. She have to know what is inside that letter. Its not her fault that she was curious.
Like they say curiosity kills the cat! But satisfaction brings it back. Right!

Just one last time. Just a small look. No hard feelings. She chanted while walking to the table before opening the letter.

Happy Birthday dearo!

Wishing you all the happiness from the whole world.

I can sense that you don't wants to be aware of anything about yourself or your parents since you never visited me anymore.

And I know that you are contended with your current life. But am really sorry to inform you that its not how it works.
Your life has a purpose sweetheart. And you are born to do that.
Well, we can go detail on that later!

But for now I just wants to say that..

Welcome to the land of magic!


Lavender re-read the letter for almost 10 minutes.
What the heck?!
Magic land? Really! Is she inviting her over to their clan?
She feels like peeling of her hair.
Why her? She never wished to be involve in any of these dramas.

As she worried about all of these, their granpa clock ring from the hall announcing the midnight.

Suddenly Lavender can feel something crawling inside her body..she fall from the pain as she she tried to walk back to her bed.. She can feels her bones crashing.
Her whole body was burning...she can literally feels fire in her eyes.

Whats happening? Is she dying?
Is that witch done this to her??

She yelled with her life.

She can faintly hear her parents running the stairs..

OH MY GODDESS!!...BRIAN COME FASTER... her mother screamed...

She feel herself getting unconscious..her vision went black..

Just calm down baby girl...please stay awake...we got this..we are are fine...her father tapped her face while consoling as he carried her downwards to their backyard.
In a blur she can see her mother was searching for something.
Looks like they know what happened to her.

While her father let her lay on the grass her mother comes running with a blanket and towel.

Lavender feels a little good as her mother cover her with the wet towel.

Her parents rubs her fingers and foots.

She cried loudly as she suddenly hit another wave of pain. Her whole body throbbed like someone had stabbed it with nails. And she was almost sure that, she can hear the cracking of her bones.

But her parents looked happy though!
Why they are smiling at her mystery!!

Then she saw it! Furs..there are furs all over her body including her face..
She look at her parents face unbelievably..its impossible!!

She is shifting!

After all these years she almost quit hoping!

Her nails grow sharper... the fangs hurt her tongue..her face is changing..

She can see one by one every pack member arrived at their backyard all of them on their wolf form...Alpha and Luna come forwards to lay their paws on her head announcing thier blessings.

Her parents eventually shifted too...lightly nibbled at her showing their affection.

After what seems like hours, Lavender can feel like she can breath again without pain.

She four legs...and howls to the moon..followed by everyone..the packs howl crack the silent night.

She runs towards the forest accompanied by the pack..her first run as a wolf..the first hunt!

She enjoyed the wind blowing on her furs... she now knew what all of them blabbering about, the senses, the speed, the strengths,.. she accepted everything open heartly. She feels like living on her favourite dream.

As they reach the waterfall..she slightly hoped to see Felicia but no avail. There is no trace of the witch.

She dared to look at her new found form in the river.

She jumped surprisingly taking her figure.
She is a pure midnight black wolf!
May be the only one left on this planet.

To be continued......

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