Chapter 21

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We witches practice magic to cast spells or to conduct rituals. One need absolute concentration and patience to master in witchcraft.

Lavender keenly pay attention to each and every words of Felicia.

Its the second day of her training. Just like last day her grandmother trained her wolf to be in control and attack as Felicia take over her Witch side.

Even If she hates to admit it, the feeling was really good. She can literally feel her getting more powerful.

Lavender takes a deep inhale concentrating on her powers like Felicia taught her to do.

Her purple violet eyes shined brightly when she exhales and a silver aura covered her long black hair making it rise in the air.

attrahunt animalium

Its the fourth new spell she had learned today.

They waited for the familiar buzzling noises to reach their way from the jungle.

Just as expected a huge amount of rabbits, deers, buffalos, foxes, raccoons, hippos, squirrels, monkeys.. and all other animals that residing on the Shadow Crack forest rush towards their direction.

scutum subsisto

Almost instantly as she spelled those an invisibel shield appear with prohibits the animals to move forwards their direction.


She cast the last spell! And all of them run back following her command.
She simply wave her hand over later to uncover the shield.

Heck yeah!
She can't believe herself!
Did she just do that?

Am so proud of you! You are getting it so fast.

Felicia hugged her close.

Lavender flushed at the compliment. She was not used to it, but she felt so happy!

Magic is so much fun and intriguing at the same time.

Okey! Now, can you teach me how to create things? She eagerly requested  to the white witch.

Angela laughed at Lavender's plea.
Well! Where was that girl who refused to accept she was a witch and stayed in bed for a whole day? She teased her playfully.

Lavender poke her tongue towards her grandmother before stand in position before Felicia...

Time for her next lesson.
May be I can ask Felicia to teach me how to fly or that disappearing trick she used to get here.
I don't want to walk!!

Stop moaning like a child Lave! I had gone easy on you. The elder exclaimed annoyingly.

Lavender pass a horrifying looks towards her grandmother.
Her whole body hurts from the intense training her grandmother forced upon her. It was twice as harder than their pack training.
If this is easy, she doesn't wants to know the tougher version.

Your brother called.
Jenny informed her daughter as she sat down for having breakfast after the shower.

How is he?

Lavender feel bad for Tylor, she almost forgot about her brother in between the chaos happened in her life lately.

He was just worried about you as usual and still pretty much pissed that he is not the one who gets to train you!

Sounds like Tylor to me. Lavender shakes her head! He is impossible.

Jenny eyed her daughter with as much as love she can muster. She and her mate always loved Lavender as their own from the beginning, not in a once they showed any partiality between their children or given their daughter a doubt that she don't belong here.

She always know there is something more extraordinary about Lavender. But that doesn't matter!. She is their daughter and always will be! She is not leaving them! Not now not ever, And that's final!

Hello Lave!. How'd you doing?

Hello to you too Marc! Am doing great.
Are you looking for any book that you need my help with?
She asked smiling genuinely.

I am wondering If you are up for a cup coffee from Cafe Lalo's.
He gave Lavender a gentle smile showing off his cute dimples.

Did he just ask her out on a coffee date?

Marc is a calm and collective guy, working as a drawing teacher at their pack school. Lavender know his parents, the lovely couple who runs the flower shop with exotic beautiful flowers down the street.

Am so sorry Marc. I can't!
She felt bad seeing the light fades from his bright blue eyes after her declination.

Ooooh...okey! May I know why? He asked with a sad smile.

They will be disappointed!

She pointed towards a bunch of guys sitting near the western end of the library on a long rectangular bench, all of them were eyeing both Marc and Lave disapprovingly while whispering within.

Wait..they also asked you out?

Lavender just nodded in confirmation.

I see...Tough competition!
He sighed before moving towards their bench. Joining the gang!

She almost wished she never shifted because of the increasing number of her admirers and It was only the first day she joined work after a break  and the library was loaded with pack members who discretely throw their glance at her and smile sheepishly when they caught looking!

She can't wait to get Tylor home. She smiled evily at the thought of her over protective brother kicking asses of all of her admirers.
Nobody can escape from the wrath of their future-beta for trying his sister!


Aiden sat on the passenger seat irritatedly on their way back. Tylor waked him up from a nap screaming a stupid song just because he was bored.
Who does that?!

He seems so happy for a guy who was so stressed out to even eat anything a day before.

Brooklyn was looking at him with a amused expression as Gabriel just ignored them altogether as he cozily snuggled up against his mate in the backseat.

Aww don't you guys looks so cute together ? Tylor mumbled with clear sarcasm.

Admit it! You are burning with jealousy!
Gabe announced with a frown. To which Tylor respond by making gagging noise and pretending to vomit.

Oh please! Am not ready to share my bed and room!
And am not much interested in leaving my home to move in with someone I just met before three days! He added with an eyeroll!

Are you saying that you don't believe in soulmates? Brooklyn asks offended.

I do belive in that Brook! But its not my cup of tea!
If am having a mate in future it will be a chosen! You can mark my words.  Tylor replied confidently.

Let's see Ty! Gabe roared from behind.

They fall into a comfortable silence for hours after that argument.

It is getting darker outside.
They were now travelling through the human lands..

How long more Ty?

Just ten more hours Aiden... we will cross our pack boundary early in the morning.

The moon above smile mischievously towards it knows a secret that they don't....

To be continued....

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