Chapter 33

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The time kept ticking as the brother and sister faced each other without uttering a word.

I ... I don't know!

What just happened?

Lavender tried to act as confused as Tylor. The fact that she is as clueless as him on this letter helped her a bit on the situation.

She is shaken that's for sure!

A Black witch!

And she is coming for her. The fact itself is a nightmare.

She have to share the information with grandmother.

Is she about to get killed? Kidnapped? Tortured for powers??


The black witches are infamous for killing hybrids.

Deep breath Lave.. its going to be okey! You just have to prepare more on your spells! You got it..

As she was making herself relax Tylor was watching her like a hawk.

Is he having doubts on her? She can't have that.. he shouldn't know about her identity, not now atleast.
Even if she clearly knows without a doubt that Tylor will be with her no matter what, he cannot keep secrets from Aiden. First of all they are bestfriends forever and moreover that a beta have to be truthful towards his Alpha, thats how the pack rules work.

Are you hiding anything from me Lave?

Am sorry Ty!
I don't have any other option..

Oblitus momentum

She waved her hands before his face. Hopefully the spells works! She taught herself this to make Aiden forgot about that night. But can't bring herself to do that.
Pathetic! She knows.

You are taking so long to answer Lave. Tylor whined as she faced him with confusion.

Whats now?!

Why you love this place so much??

Oh yes! They were talking about that!

She smiled cheekily at him.

Hihi! Poor Tylor.

Oh how she wished that she had these powers while they were grewing up. Life would have been so much easy.

While they get back into their battering a unknown intruder watched their conversation from above that tree and flew away to pass the secret.

The giant eagle spring faster as it can with its wings from the Shadow crack pack.
Its heart crashed every second it tooks to reach the destination.

The scenary changed tremendously as its peak pierced the wind.
Finally when it reach at a certain spot a deep fog formulated with a circular opening which appeared as a passage.

The mighty bird fly into it before the opening vanished.. and continued to fly after reaching inside of it..

The world looks different there.. with talking trees, laughing rivers, crawling grounds, wish granting stones and shining flowers this place is mysterious.

They call it,

The magical forest!

As reaching a cottage under a giant sequoia the eagle landed effortlessly while shifting into a youngman with brownish yellow eyes and long brown hair.

Whats the news Falco?

The question echoed from inside even before Falco can enter into the cave.

She found her!

Falco waited for a response after delivering the message... seconds later the silence a goddess like lady emerged outside with a gracious flow.
While her bobbed blond hair shined under the light her lips form a frown matching with the concern on her eyes..

Lady Aurelia!

Its her queue to enter into the picture!

To be continued....

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