Chapter 9

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Lavender stared at the keys in her hand. She was conflicted between taking a decision.
Truth to be told, she wished to know  about the white witches before she met Felicia tonight. She has to make sure they are real! And not a bad news like the black witches. And its a prefect opportunity. She has to do something or else she will regret about it in the future. bored..

She startled hearing Margeret's voice, who was now eyeing her scepticaly.

Margaret raised her eyebrow, asking her, what was that about.
Lavender just shrugged in return.

I Am calling Amanda, your face tells me that you have to share something with us.
Margeret abruptly turn away without giving her a chance to response.

Is she too easy to read?
Lavender faced her friend open mouthed.

Knowing she don't have anyother option, She began to reload the books that got returned, just to make herself busy rather than standing there overthinking.
Its Tuesday the library will be closed until noon. There will be no packmates to save her from her friend's interrogation.

Well, now here she is, after long 30 minutes awkwardly sitting between her two bestfriends, in the corner of that empty Library.
They stared at her expectantly ready to absorb whatevet gossipp she has to share.

After taking a huge breath Lavender  fill them what happened last day. The fight, the falling out, the witch, the confrontation, she detailed each and everything without leaving anything behind.

Both of them gasped at her as she finished.

Oh my god a white witch?! Amanda was the first one to respond.

Wow! Did Aiden really dropped you  home all the way holding your hand?

Amanda and Lavender stared at Margaret unbelievably.
Ofcourse after all those things she had shared, her dear friend is only intrested on that topic.

You are not going to visit the witch again right?! Amanda asked Lavender taking her eyes away from Margaret.

Ofcourse she is visiting! She has to know about her existence! Margaret countered.

Its really a huge risk!

You have to take risk to archieve big!

For all we know, the witches are bad news!

Not this poor Felicia! She even hugged our sweet little Lave.

It can be an perfect act to lure Lave into her dirty plan.

We don't know that, what if she really has something to say.

We are warewolves, we don't listen to witches.

Before Margaret counter that point Lavender put an end to their argument by slamming on the table startling them.

They keenly wait for her opinion eagerly.

I have feeling that I should meet Felicia..
Lavender began carefully.. making a huge grin on Margaret face and a disapproving frown on Amanda's.

But I have to know about the white witches before I meet her, I don't want to fall into her hands If it is a trap..
she finished much to Amanda's relief.

They have to find answers, there were alot of unanswered questions.

How did she cross that invincible portal?
Is there any portal at all?
Is white witches really existed?
If they do exist, why don't they stop the wrath of black witches?

And most importantly, What is their business with Lavender?!

There is only one way to find out; through the archives of legends and journals of ancestors, which was stored in the secret basement!

But the problem is, they have to find where it is! Nobody knows about it! Not even Aiden being the future alpha. It is really confidential.
And they only have few hours before Lavender has to open the library and then she also have to meet Felicia today itself.

Margaret was thrilled with the idea, which was really kind of predictable.
Much to their surprise Amanda agreed without any pleading, she must be really curious.

They began the search without any further delay.
The pack Library is really huge, so they split up to save time.

They purposefully avoid the upper two floors since basement sounds more like an underground chamber.

The ground floor was filled with big bookshelves on both sides, Many weird looking paintings at the back side, And a main entrance with huge wooden doors. For some reason they don't  have any Windows on that floor.

Margaret was sure that the basement was behind those paintings, but even after knocking the whole wall thrice they found nothing.

Lavender was looking behind those bookshelves for some clues.

Guys come over here!
It was Amanda calling them towards the entrance.

Look at these design over these doors!

Really Amy! You call us here to admire these designs! That also in between our search! We can do that tomorrow Babes.

Amanda just rolled her eyes at Margaret before explaining them her findings.

Apparently the door have some kind of wolf head imprinted on both sides, but there was some kind of a small ball inside the mouth of wolf at the left side, which was absent on the right wolf.

Its just a small ball Amy! Must be some printing mistake. Margaret press the ball to prove her point.


Three of them freeze on the spot! Then they were running to that sound.

There it is under table No.10 at the left end corner, a underground pathway.

Then they were screeming jumping and hugging each other unable to hide happiness.
Thank goddess the library is sound proof.

Its so dark inside the opening, Lavender can barely see anything.

Wait a minute..

As Margaret and Amanda move the table for easy access, Lavender runs to the switch board. After working there for a week, she knows the switches to every lights and fans except this one. She always thought it as unnecessary. But the path brightens as she pressed it, proving her point that she was right.

Now they can see the spiral stairs leading downwards, with a keen determination one after other they step down the path.

There was a narrow pass way which filled with more weired paintings on the walls as they move further and there at the end stand a black door waiting for them.

The Secret Basement!

To be continued...

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