Chapter 23

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For what seemed like hours Lavender stood there in a shocked silence.
The new found feelings was weird. All of her life she hated that guy, but now on that moment all she wished was to crawl on to his arms and snuggle there forever.

But out of all of these male population why him??


Moon goddess will pair enemies as soulmates to avoid inner egos and clashes in the cases of other supernaturals.

She remembered her grandmother's words. She forgot that she is a hybrid! And it is possible for her to mate with him! Her enemy!

Whats now!!

Don't ever try to mate with any of my pack members!
And even if they found their true mate in you, I will make sure they reject you as soon as possible!

Damn! Aiden is gonna reject her..goddess!! I can't face him! He is going to embarrass me infront of the whole pack.

Lavender teared up with that thought. Rejection from your one true mate is the most painful feeling a supernatural can ever face. And mostly alphas ban their rejected mate from their pack to avoid conflicts between his future chosen Luna and his ex-mate.

You don't belong here in our world!

She have to do something before he find out about this! She can't leave this pack and her family behind. For once she was thankful that she is a Midnight and had more senses.
Since Aiden is still engrossed in that meeting she figured out that he didn't feel her presence. Afterall there is more than enough space in between the pack house and the training arena.

Giving her mate a last sad look Lavender rushed downstairs and grabbed her confused brother then runs towards their home.

She knows what to do next!


Aiden was feeling uneasy from the moment he stepped back into their territory.
Something was different, but he can't place what it was since everything seems as same as before.
So he decided to engage himself with the preparations for the upcoming initiation ceremony rather than dwelling on something which is  unnecessary.

While he was discussing the patrolling format with his warriors and future gamma...

The sudden wind brought a pleasant smell which made him turn his sight towards the pack house.
He can sense his wolf was restless and is trying to convey something to him.

As he was about to get into it and enter the pack house...

Aiden, we need to increase the number of guards before the ceremony.

Gabriel calls him backwards for further discussion....

He reluctantly agreed and proceeds on further with a heavy heart...Something is wrong! He can feel it on his bones.

Why are we running Lave?? Are you okey?!

She simply shrugged at Tylor without giving him any explanation.

When they reach their home,
Lavender get into her room claiming privacy before locking the doors, leaving a frustrated Tylor behind.

The following few minutes she left crying painfully thinking about her mate and the consequences of which she was about to do.
But it is the right choice to make!.
She don't have any other options.

Aiden hates her!!! He don't wants her as his Luna! He will probably choose a chosen mate over her.

Her heart is splitting into pieces even from thinking about him with someone else other than her!

Oh god! This stupid mate bond!
She don't want to feel this way.

Not once in her life Lavender dreamed that her future will be such a disaster like this.

Unenthusiastically she reach for her book shelf.
There... behind her favourite series is the solution for her current problem.

"The Book Of Witch Spells"

It was the book she had taken from the secret basement before weeks.

Who knew then that it will came in handy!

With a new found confidence Lavender searched for a particular has to be there........
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Aha! Here it is!

"Spells over Mate bonds"

This spell will make the true mate bond  dormant. With this the mates will no longer feel the bond or sparks or even the smell. But there are chances that the feelings may remain.

A couple can be unknown of their soulmate untill the witch broke the spell herself or she dies.

But in some cases, where a witch is casting it on their own soulmate, it is kind of complicated since they know their mate and have to suppress the emotions. Also..

1. You have to be really strong.
2. There must be a pretty good reason.
3. It can break itself if you cast a spell
    which is much stronger than
    Especially one in a destroying nature

Ps. Normally the spell don't break itself
since this spell itself is really
stronger and doing a spell which cause harm to life of others can kill
any witch with this present.


Let's do this!

Celare amorem Fac clypeum Sopitum Verum Socios

To be continued......

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