Chapter 24

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It is always unsure that which pain is worse, the shock of what happened or the achne for what never will...

The cold breeze stroking her fur failed to put off the hot turmoil of her mind.

Lavender spent her quality time in bed for last three days unable to move an inch feeling sick.
It is because of the inner wolf the warewolves have special abilities, they are the one which make their human stronger.
Even if her wolf can't communicate with her, it shows its disinterest with her decision of dormenting their mate bond by refusing to heal her.
For their animal side a soulmate is everything, a wolf's sole purpose of living is their mate.
She was sure that her wolf will forgive their mate in a bit even if he reject and banish them from the pack.

But since the wolves loved outdoors and staying closed made them restless, her wolf finally took pity on her and heal her back.

The night seem so beautiful as the silver moon shines reflecting its potrayel on the drowsing river as it perceives the sleeping forest.

After taking a bath in the river she shifted and changed before walking towards her way back home. Surprisingly enough the dark no more terrifies her. She have a clear vision of everything around her since the shift boost her eyesight.

The last time...

His hand feels so warm contrary to her icy cold hands.

Lavender blinked back those memories, It is the last thing she wants to think at that moment. She promised herself to be strong, she can't mourn forever in sorrow and selfpity.

Her family is already worried sick for her, especially Tylor. He does have some doubts about the sudden temperature and her behaviour at the pack house on "that day" but somehow keep it to himself.

She badly wants to announce her action to everyone, atleast to her grandmother but the terrible scare for her reaction hold back from confessing... afterall mate is a touchy subject to warewolves. From childhood itself a warewolf is raised by dreaming about a true mate. It is really difficult to find your true one.
As Felicia had warned her more than once against practicing tough spells without her knowledge, and her parents, brother, and bestfriends are unknown of her being a hybrid shut her down from revealing anything to any of them.

Thankfully Everyone blamed the newly shifted nature and the immense training for her health condition.

Only if they knew!

Lavender ascend the stairs with baggy eyes, Its been a while she fell into a peaceful slumber.

The day after tomorrow is Full moon, The Initiation ceremony!.
There will be alot of people including the Leaders and their mates of neighbouring packs.
Its the biggest celebration a pack can ever have apart from the Luna ceremony.
Her presence is required... Tylor will kill her if she skipped the event. He worked hard all of his life for this day. She have to be there for him.

But Aiden...
She's frightened to face him.
What if the spell didn't work out?
Will he reject her on the spot infront of everyone?

She whimpered as the sleep welcomed her..

He hates her...

To be continued....

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