Chapter 11

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Lavender watched the sleeping Shadow crack pack through her balcony.

Anybody getting out of house after
10 'o' clock is prohibited on their pack. Well anybody excepts the patrolling guards.

Lavender waited for the clock to reach 11 so that she can leave. Even if she was so excited, it'd be a lie to say that she is not afraid.

She is not scared to meet the witch but to walk alone through the forest.

Margaret and Amanda offered to accompany her but she refused.
What if the witch refused to show up seeing she was not alone! She can't take the risk.

When the time comes, Lavender pick up a torch and walk out of her house.

The half moon brightened over the sky. The blinking stars were extra giggling.

There was some kind of tranquility in the air.

Lavender make it to the waterfall without any complications like last night. She was really expecting some wild animals to hunt her down.

Felicia was already there, melted in deep thoughts, waiting for her arrival. Her skin was shining in the moonlight. She does look like an angel. She faced Lavender as she feeled her presence.

Then she was in her arms, hugging to death like yesterday.

I was so worried that you wouldn't show up! But Thank you so much for coming. Felicia mumbled slowly.

Lavender only able to give a nod as she was too engrossed in that captivating aura.

As they settled comfortably on the rocks under her favourite oak tree, Lavender faced the witch expectantly for answers. But Felicia was smiling ear to ear like she dig some diamonds.

So how do you cross that Invisible portal?

Lavender asked impatiently sensing that the other had no plan on starting the conversation.

The portal is already broken! Its been a while.

Lavender was blowed by that answer. She never expected this.

No way! It can't be possible!

Why we are not informed about this? And why there is no attacks from the witches?
Lavender voiced her thoughts.

The portal was temporarily patched for some years, by the one who broke it. Only white witches can cross that border.

Seeing Lavender's puzzled expression Felicia explained more..

The one who broke that make sure to add an repelling spell against black witches and vampires from crossing it.

Why it was broken?

Felicia just smiled sadly after hearing her question.

Only a hybrid can do it right? Is there any hybrids left? Lavender pressed for more.

How do you know about hybrids?
Felicia asked surprisingly.

My grandmother used to told me stories about everything when I was a child.

Grandmother? Do you know about your family?

Yes! My father Brian, The packs mother..

Lavender began only to interrupt by the witch.

They are not your real parents!

Thats did it! Lavender feel like her whole world was collapsing.
She is lying right? But white witches don't lie!

She signed heavily letting her head drop. She holds back from choking up. Tears welled up in her eyes, streaming down on her face.

She always wondered about this thought in her mind. But reassure herself that its not the truth.

Is that why am not shifted to a wolf?
Is that why Aiden hates me? Did Tylor knows? Am I a human?
She had a lot of questions running through her mind.

As much as she feels sad she was also happy that they never made her feel like unwanted. Always loved and cared like real parents. Her brother had always protected her.

She wiped off her face. did Felicia know about me?

You are not who you thought to be!

Lavender was about to question but Felicia stands, deciding to leave.

I will be here tomorrow Lavender, same time. You need sometime to adjust with these new found informations.

But before leaving she just turn around and mumbled..

It was broken for you Lavender.

To be Continued...

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