Chapter 29

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For your information:

An Oracle is a person who act as a medium through whom advice or prophecy was sought from the gods in classical antiquity.

The magical fire in the sconces that lit up the darker room failed to warm the trembling cold hands of the people inside that.

The retired senior leaders sat around the table in the deep corner of their ancient secret basement of the pack's library engrossed in an important discussion that shatter their world upside down.

All the six of them are having a hard time accepting the facts spilled by the seventh person. But given that the person is an Oracle doesn't help much. They know she is informing the truth.

Are you sure that its her?

Angela asked desperately for the tenth time within last five minutes. Her mate is also having a hard time maintain his posture. She can see the former Alpha, Luna along with the Gamma couples are also anxious.

They are not ruling the pack anymore since Jackson, Brian and Michael respectively take over the pack as the new Alpha, Beta and Gamma before eight years. But as they are still having problems in adjusting to the position the Oracle decides to share the future with the formers who have more patience and courage... also their childrens are so young and just started their happy lives with their mates and pups means they are not ready to know about any of these.. not yet atleast.

Et fructus duos mundos.
Qui nata luna in longis auidum saturasset.
Thesauro in sacrificium.

They listened as the Oracle held out the prophesy again..

Qui natus est ad ulciscendum.
Qui pacem cum anima completa.
Ab inimicis sublimatur.
Sed dilectissimi.
Hybrida cantata pulchritudine,
Et gratiis meis.
Rarissimus, rarissimus.
Prima quaedam.

Thats the verdict of goddess before she left the earth.

But everyone knows that there is more to that which the Oracle is kepting to herself, like that information is not safe to share.

So what are you implying to tell us?
Alpha Jacob asks authoritatively! Once an alpha always an Alpha. He doesn't like being in the dark and wants control over the situation.

Each person who were present at that fateful night knows that it is clearly unnatural to a new born infant to be abandoned at the eastern borders near the waterfalls on the first blood moon which happened after the goddess's curse.. means a blood moon after centuries...

The child was covered in a red velvet cloth and had a magical aura surrounding her like a protection. It burned anyone who tried to touch her at that time until Brian the Beta who was under deep sorrow as his mate lost their baby girl while giving birth the day before that approached the crying child and take her into his warm hands which miraculously made her quit the tantrum while falling into a nap.

Since there were only patrolling guards other than the leaders present at that time, since everyone was instructed to stay indoors because of blood moon helps them to hide the secret.

They introduced that girl as their pack member after Jenny refused to given up the infant and breastfeed the pup when it cried.

No other member except them knows in the pack that she is not the beta family's. Not even Tylor! Their first born. He loved his unborn sibling too much even before she was borned and was waiting for her arrival the truth must have surely break his little heart. Even the pack doctor suggested it as a good decision to keep the child for the sane of the beta couples mental health.

But deep inside they knew that she is special and different! But not in their wildest dreams they thought about this possibility.

And they passed fifty two fullmoons from then...the sudden encounter was unexpected.

Alpha Jacob was still waiting for his answer patiently as the Oracle kept her silence for a long period of time fighting with herself before delivering the messages.

Her mother is a witch and in future her family will be here searching for her along with unwelcomed enemies. They will declare war on your pack for having her.. she can save this pack but there is one condition she have to..

She can't able to finish predicting the future because of the sudden noise of whimper and gasp.

Little Aiden stood there with teared eyes.. even If he was just seven years old he know what is meant by a war and who is a witch..

Little Lavender is a witch! She is danger! She is not a part of their pack!

These lines keep repeating on his head like a chant...

Aiden shake his head for erasing those memories..

He kept everything as a secret because his grandfather told him to do so and promise him that they are going to fix the issues as soon as possible. His Grandparents accompanied him back to the pack house before commanding others to continue without them..

Aiden hated Lavender after that.. he no longer paid her frequent visits after his school to play... he bullied her so much and made her cried.. and never in once regretted his action.

He only wants the best for his pack. He thought that she will leave the pack because of his behaviour.. but No!! that girl does have a huge backbone and always fights him back.

After that incident within a year the six of them seperated.. His Grandparents starts to travel alot, the Beta couple joined Elders, and the Gamma couple remain in their pack but constantly visiting the basement library for research.

Aiden knows that they had some findings as its been seventeen years since then...

Its time to unsolve that prophesy!

To be continued....

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