Chapter 40

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The dark night of the soul comes just before reveleation. When everything is lost, and all seems darkness, then comes the new life and that is all needed.

A sudden howl from the patrolling guards send chills through Lavender's spine. Since everyone is anticipating a attack on anytime, currently their entire pack is a complete mess.
While Gabriel  is busy delivering final guidings to the warriors Aiden barked orders here and there to Tylor who is busy with the formation of their army.

The previous leaders and warriors stood in the middle of the arena ready to get joined. Angela give Lavender a tight reasurring hug  before joining her mate and other elders along with the non fighting pack members, together they went into the secret safety chambers.

Lave.... you are fighting in the wolf form right?! Tylor questioned her suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

Damn! Tylor is a sight to see..
Her brother look shambled .. gone the never ending charming smile and twinkling eyes. He looked serious for the first time and is holding her forarm in a tight she will disappear into thin air if he loosened his grip a bit.

Only the leaders and some head warriors are allowed to fight in the human form since they are stronger in both animalistic and human form unlike other wolves who will be powerful after shifting.

Answer me Lave! You are fighting in the wolf form right? Tylor shakes her immobile figure.

As she was about to stretch her reply,

She is not shifting! Aiden unexpectedly exclaimed from behind.

What?! Are you trying to get her snached away Aiden?
We both knew that she will be safest in her wolf form!

And what? Let the intruders recognize  the midnight black wolf in the bunch and spot her easily..
Is that what you want?

Well... Aiden does have a point there and that got Tylor nod at their Alpha.

I was never planning to fight in my wolf form Ty... I still lack proper training.. am intended to use magic...
Lavender explained meekly getting away from her brothers tight grip before turns to move into the arena in a rush finishing the conversation unable to withstand the sudden presence of her mate.

What I meant was you are NOT fighting at all!  Aiden called her back.


The pack can handle a bunch of roughes easily.. we are trained for that.. you are still learning! So don't blend yourself in something you can't do properly. And ITS AN ORDER.

Aiden finishes to a furious Lave and her happy brother.

Tylor felt like he can breath at ease... he was walking on egg shells thinking about the possibility of his sister getting hurt in between the chaos. But he will sacrifice his own life without a second thought if it means to make her safe.

Lavender shout to the back of her walking mate.

Oh, I don't care! you can stand where ever you want, just don't get in between the war.
Aiden replied calmly without turning, while moving forwards.



Gabriel counted each and every step of their intruders... much to his surprise they are walking really slowly .. normally roughes tends to spring faster and flashly attack ... he had a gut feeling that this was not going to be a usual roughe invasion.

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