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I was nominated to do this by @TheWarlock2101 and now I nominate @Animalsandadjectives.

This challenge is:

If you were at Hogwarts and you received a howler, what would it be for?

Oh gosh. If I received a howler, it'd probably be because I pulled a prank on Professor Snape, (no offense my Slytherin friends,) or because I had tripped and spilled some potion all over another random professor or student.

Oh wait.

I already did those things all in one day lol!

"It were a dark and stormy night..."

Bah, never mind. I suck a ghost stories. Here's the gist of it. (And just so you all know for certain as you read this, this "event" is taking place in The Order of the Phoenix, and I am in the same year as Hermione.)


I sighed with relief as the bell rang to signal the end of Ancient Runes. Honestly, I didn't know how Hermione had convinced me to take this class; it was just about as dull as feeding the flobberworms in Care of Magical Creatures. (Luckily, that particular class had been over with earlier.)

As I gathered up my books and strode out into the hallway to start the long trek to the dungeons for Potions class, I was bumped into by two of my Gryffindor housemates.

"Ready?" George whispered in my ear as he fell into step alongside me.

"Yeah." I said casually, patting the bag slung around my shoulders.

"Got the thing?" Fred says, coming around on my other side.

"You bet." I said, jiggling my leather bag under his nose. I laughed. "Come on guys. It's not like I'd forget!"

Even though I was younger than the twins, we were still considered the "Pranking Trio" by nearly everyone in Hogwarts. And we were proud of it.

The twins laughed, and we all simultaneously began running down the corridor; in order to get to Potions class on time.

Which was strange, considering that if we were going to pull this off, we'd need to be there dead last.

When we finally reached the dungeons, we were out of breath. I collapsed against the stone wall, gasping for breath.

That was when the other students came thundering down the stairs.

I quickly peeked my head around the door frame and sighed. Snape was nowhere to be seen.

"All clear," I whispered to the twins as the students filed into the classroom, muttering to each other in low whispers. I caught Hermione's eye and smirked at her, and while she gave the three of us a questioning glance, she let the matter be.

I grinned and turned to the twins as the last student, Neville Longbottom, took his seat. I pulled a long, clear tube of Muggle plastic wrap out of my bag and shooed the twins down the corridor and into the shadows. "Stay hidden!" I hissed. "I'll take care of this." They nodded, each with a smirk on their face, as I walked into the classroom and set to work, pulling the plastic wrap over the door and completely surrounding it. I knew for a fact Snape would enter this door today; it would be perfect.

I stepped back and admired my handiwork. Only if you looked closely could you see the shininess of the plastic. An almost maniacal smile spread across my face as I walked around the classroom, obliviating the memories of all the Slytherin students. Hey, I couldn't be too careful.

That finished, I took my seat next to Neville and stowed both my wand and my plastic wrap in my bag once more. Neville looked over at me, worried.

"Won't you get into serious trouble for this?" He whispered.

I smiled and shook my head at my friend. "Nah. Not if the class can keep their mouths shut."

Neville just shook his head and turned back to facing the front of the room as I focused on keeping the smile off my face.

And not a moment too soon. Just as I had mastered my poker face, a strange whack! sounded from the entryway. The entire Gryffindor class (and even some of the Slytherins) burst out laughing as an extremely disheveled Professor Snape tore off my beautifully laid out plastic wrap and threw it down on the floor.

"Who did this?!" He said calmly, but his voice was tense, as though he was fighting to keep it that way.

"Emily!" yelled a girl's voice from across the room. I whirled around to glare at none other than Lavender Brown, who was barely containing a grin.

"Miss Jackson," Snape hissed, and as I turned I vaguely saw Fred and George making a mad dash down the hallway when his back was turned. I gulped.


"My office. Now." He stated coolly, and pointed towards a discreet doorway at the front of the classroom.

With Neville giving me an apologetic glance, I gathered my books and began to walk up the aisle towards that forbidden door.

Unfortunately, I hadn't seen Umbridge.

Somehow, she had snuck in during my little escapade, and was now watching my every move.

As I walked past her, my leather boot caught on a slightly raised plank of wood and I pitched forward, upsetting a cauldron of some gooey, awful smelling potion from the week before on top of her pink cardigan. I think we had used some sort of spider slime from the Forbidden Forest.

"DETENTION, MISS JACKSON!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, and I scurried into the office, Snape closing the door with a cruel click behind me.


So yeah, that just about sums up one of my crappiest days at Hogwarts ever. I was thinking about writing a book for this; what do you think?

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