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K, I'm bored and I'm gonna type whatever comes into my head.
Here goes nothing.

Waiting for something interesting...

Still waiting...


I like peanut butter M&Ms. Uhhh...


S'mores with Reeses Peanut Butter cups instead of chocolate...

And Oreos with peanut butter...

And pretzels with peanut butter...

Yeah, I'm hungry.

I like peanut butter.

You know what? Maybe I ought to do something different with this book.
How about this. You, as my reader, send me a question in the comments. Aaand, uhhh....

We'll answer it! YESSSS Precious, we will. We shall answer it for them, YESSSS, O yes.

B-but, will they like that Precious? Will they? Or shall they be nassty little hobbitses?

O no, nice readers wouldn't dare be mean to us, no Precious, O no.

And you thought that about Master, yes you did. And what did he do? He trickses usss! And his stupid fat hobbit friend, O YESSSS. Kill them, KILL THEM BOTH!"

Shut up self. Now they probably won't post anything. Stupid self. Anyways, please PLEASE give this idea a shot, I'll answer ASAP!


Pffff. Look at me, trying to be civil. HA!

You is stupid, YESSSS. Yes you is.

Shut up me.

No. I shall stuff your head with mashed taters, and feed you to the fat hobbit!

Wow. Aren't I a happy little ray of sunshine?

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