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Hi there...


I'm not dead...

And uh...

I'm really sorry for not updating this book, but uhm...


And I haven't really thought about this one until now.

I also have something to let you all know about my Fandom One Shots book. I tried to paste a picture of the Doctor Who logo on one of the chapters, and now whenever I go to my book, Wattpad crashes on me and I return to the main page of my iPod.

Seriously, this is annoying. Now I can't post anything in my Fandom book!

I think the Daleks bugged that picture and are attempting yet again to conquer Earth!!!!

So I shall do what any Timelady would do...

Contact Wattpad Help.

Hopefully they'll know what to do about the bug, and it won't delete the whole story.

Until this problem is fixed, however, I'll be posting your requests here. Please please PLEASE keep the requests coming! Even if this isn't my One Shots book I still really want to write them!

So yeah, that's about it. I'm really sorry for the mix up, I hope you understand.

~Still Miluiel

My Book of InsanityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora