look look LOOK

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I can post media now! YAY! I have been waiting FOREVER for it!!!

Oh yeah.... HAPPY NEW YEAR! I can't believe its already 2015.

I am so excited! In 3 months I turn 15, and a few months after that I can get my temps for driving!

Yep. So, that brings me to a question. How did you celebrate New Years? What are your traditions?

For me, on New Year's Eve, 2014, my step-grandmother came up with this idea that we should pretend to be in Rio de Janeiro. Yes. It actually wasn't that bad, she just had me look up 12 facts about Rio, (which, the Hermione in me decided to turn it into a two-page report :p) because when it is midnight there, it is 8:00PM here.
To be completely honest, it wasn't that bad. Two of my Uncles and their families came over, so at about 10:00PM, my sister and I retreated to the basement we share as a bedroom and watched Narnia, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Yep.

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