Untitled Part 73

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Me: Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!!!!

Sherlock: *slaps the back of my head* Calm down would you?

Me: *glares* I'm calm! I'm completely and totally...

Sherlock: *folds arms and raises eyebrow*

Me: Yeah, okay. Not calm. But how could I be? This book has actually reached 2k reads and 191 votes!!! 

Sherlock: And that's a good thing because...

John: Because it's just... well, it's...

Sherlock: *smirks* Told you.

Me: You didn't tell us anything. You just got that annoying "I'm right and you know it" face.

John: See! He does make a face!

Sherlock: Not the specific face you had referred to previously, however.

John: *glares and stands up from his chair menacingly*

Me: Okay... I'm just gonna close this thing up now... THANKS FOR THE READS AND VOTES!!! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!!!!

My Book of InsanityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora