The Chocolate is GONE

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This was so me that day. I literally sat there for two minutes just staring like some crazed fan girl.... Then had to text all two of my friends that we HAD to go see it. Immediately. And do you know what they said?

No precious, what did they say?

Shut up. Your opinion doesn't count here.

Shut up! Shut up? Is that what she tells us, eh Precious?

Yes. That's what I tell you. Now can I please get on with the story?


Kay thanks! So anyway, I texted two of my friends and....


Ugh, what now?

You! You are wicked, tricksy, FALSE!

*sigh* How so?

Because! You don't have any friends, nobody likes you!

That's a filthy lie!

No it isn't.

Yes it is, you dirty sneak!

No it isn't.

Yeah, it is!

No it isn't.

Yes it is! And I'll bet it was YOU who ate the rest of my chocolate!

No, NO! Smeagol hates nasty sweet stuff, oh no, we didn't eats it.

Oh, but I bet you did! Who else would've done it?

Why, that nasty @TheWarlock2101 of course! Always sneaking around, waiting for the chance to takes it!

I highly doubt it.

And what about @kittygirlmoo, eh?

No. Definitely not.


Are you kidding me? She'd never do that!

Oh no? What about @Animalsandadjectives eh? She has that sneaky, suspicious look on her face eh?

No way.

And that new one.... what was its name.... @incognitobombur? The name says enough! SHE took it!!!

Uh uh. Just met her today, I don't think she has anything to do with my disappearing chocolate.

And @Slytherin_hobbit? She's a Slytherin.... Quite sneaky and cunning they are, O yes.

Pffft please. Doesn't mean she took it.

What about @DarkAncestor? @IronFeyGirl? _crystal_amethyst_? You left them hanging on the Role Play! THEY took your chocolate to get back at you!

B-but, I didn't mean to leave them hanging! I just haven't had the time to write in it! And they aren't like that. I'm positive they don't have my chocolate.

@Dess_Basilisk likes pie. Perhaps she likes chocolate too eh?

Chocolate and pie are two entirely different things.

Chocolate pie?

Ugh, it pains me to say it, but touché. Even so, I don't think she did it.

@BugForver? Or how about @HobbitsofTheShire? Maybe THEY TOOK IT FOR THEMSELVES!

Highly doubtful.

Well, SOMEBODY must have taken it!

Yeah. YOU.

No, not me.

It must have been. You're the only one left besides Sir Bill of Platypus and Flurfie the Llama.

Flurfie: HEY!

Sir Bill of Platypus: ....

Sorry Flurfie, I wasn't accusing you.

Flurfie: Yeah right. *goes back to chewing grass*

Sir Bill of Platypus: ....

*sighs* What is this world coming to? *mutters* And I know you still took the chocolate.

We is a figment of your imagination, O yessss. If we takes the chocolate, that means you must takes it too.

Wh.... no. Y.... no, ho.... ugh!!!

She is stumped, she is.

N-no, no I'm not! And I know for a fact that I DID NOT take the chocolate.

Asks the readers, she will.

Hmmmm.... Not a bad plan. If you think somebody took the chocolate, go follow them. Then comment your thoughts!

That's lame.

Ugh, whatever. *mumbles* You have chocolate breath.

Do not, you stupid fat hobbit!

Hey! I am not.... Oh whatever. Just try it, for the heck of it huh? I need something to do.

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