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Me: "Tomorrow is Once Day, tomorrow is Once Day..." *starts chanting unceremoniously.*

Hook: *whacks my head.*

Me: *glares* "What was that for?"

Hook: *shrugs*

Me: *mutters* "Stupid pirate."

Emma: *falls through purple portal*

Me: "Whoops."

Regina: "Well, this is great."

Snow White/Mary Margaret: "Not again!!!"

*Everyone rushes to Mr. Gold/Rumplestiltskin*

David/Charming: "How do we get her back?" *slams dust on counter*

Mr. Gold/Rumplestiltskin: "Everything comes with a price, Dearie." *waves hands in an elaborate motion.*

Everyone: "WHATEVER!"

Mr. Gold/Rumplestiltskin: "Fine, fine. Y..." *is cut off by Neal*

Neal/Baelfire: "Hi."

Belle: "B-but, you're dead!"

Neal/Baelfire: "Oh, right." *disappears*

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