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When you wake you are bound to a chair unable to move. The chains hurt and you could feel them burning through your clothes. They were special to keep you tied down. You groaned trying to regain your vision. You had something covering your mouth. You look around taking in your surroundings trying to find the best possible way to escape when the moment comes. You see a window behind you. If you could just jump out of it and land the right way the chair could break and the chains loosened. You try maneuvering the chair around with your feet which were surprisingly not bound. You moved yourself to soft of stand but bent over. You move away from the window and then start going as fast as you can, which wasn't fast, to hit the glass. As you push yourself to shatter the widow you are caught by something and held up in the air. A armored person was holding you up with one hand and brought you with them into another room. That's when you saw the doctors, or scientists and you started to try and flail. It was no use. Tears filled your eyes know it was HYDRA. 

*Loki's POV*

You wake up groggy and not in your own room. You were in a hospital bed. You looked around confused and alone. Sitting up your head pounded. Then you remembered kissing Y/N.... Did she hit you and knock you out? Your mind is fuzzy. You hear heavy footsteps and knew Thor was about to walk in. "Brother!!! You're awake!" He gathered you in a bone crushing hug then sat you back down. "How are you feeling?" You rub your head. "Like I got hit by your hammer..." you hold your head as Tony and Bruce walk in. You look up to their concerned looks. Surely it wasn't meant for you. "Loki...listen. . . Before we talk any further know that none of us blame you for anything this time..." you look confused. "What are you going on about..." you started getting a bad feeling in your gut. Thor spoke up. "Brother. They took Y/N. We found you unconscious on the ground outside the HYDRA base at the mission. Y/N was already gone. . ." Thor looked down deeply saddened. Your eyes got round with shock and then thin with rage. You threw yourself from the bed and pushed yourself out of the room. "Where are you going Loki!?" Thro and the others followed. "You are taking these cuffs off of me and I am finding her! Now!" He went to his room and got his knives and whatever else he thought he might need. Tony scratched his head seeming lost as to what to do.


You were transferred to a lab and painfully strapped to a table. A man speaking low so you couldn't hear was talking to someone behind the curtain. When they were almost finished with their conversation you heard the dreaded word that sent you into panic. "vosstanovit'." (Recondition)You start to pull at the straps screaming but you couldn't get it out. You knew what they were going to do. They were going to make you a monster again. You couldn't let that happen. You wouldn't!

*Tony's POV*

You scratch your head lost for words. You knew that unleashing Loki was a risk but leaving Y/N to HYDRA was worse. If they ended up reconditioning her who knows how to get you back and you knew fury would have her locked up forever if you couldn't. You figured a team meeting would have to be in order here. "AVENGERS! ASSEMBLE!" You walk to the meeting room and sit worries heavy on your mind.

When everyone, including Loki, was present you get to work. "We have a situation. Y/N has been taken by HYDRA... we have to get her back before they recondition her, or she will never be the same again." Bucky looked up and gave him a look. "No offense Buck..." You continue. "I propose. . . We unleash Loki..." before he could finish an array of arguments broke out. He knew this would happen. "Alright! Alright listen! We don't have a choice at this moment. Her tracker is gone. . . Someone has removed it. Loki is good at mind stuff and I feel he can help find her. Right now we are out of options." Loki looked at you with a new perspective. He nodded his thanks. You get up going over to him. "I'm trusting you reindeer games. . . Don't make me regret it... alright..." you take the bracers off and put them aside.

*Loki's POV*

You rub your wrists after they fall off and sit up strait in your chair closing your eyes concentrating on Y/N. You get a green glow about you as you, but not you are walking around a strange compound. You walk through the halls looking around for some sign of where it is or where Y/N is. As you continue around the corner. There was screams you hear. You follow the screams as you see Y/N on a table thrashing and screaming. You want to reach out and take her but you aren't there. You rush outside of the building knowing she's there now. You look around trying to find a land mark. You see a sign on the building and rush back to your real self. You gasp and look around making everyone quiet. "I know where she is!"


You scream feeling the pain of them invading your mind again. You scream loudly again unable to stand the pain. You kept saying Loki's name over and over in your mind to keep them from breaking you. This went on for hours, days you wouldn't really tell anymore. One of the doctors captured your attention. He was listening to a news hearing. He turned it up seeing your interest. The news caster spoke of the Avengers compound being completely destroyed no survivors were found yet. You felt the tears stinging your eyes as you fell back and stopped struggling. Next thing you know everything went black.

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