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It was dark, cold, and wet. You could hear water and people yelling out. You groaned as you opened your eyes your vision was cloudy and you blinked a couple of times feeling something running down your face as you moved your head. There was a pain you couldn't place until you started becoming more coherent. You're head was killing you and your left ankle was in severe pain. You knew you were trapped. You looked up seeing the stone table still above you and chuckled a little thanking Tony for buying it. You looked down at your feet and tried pulling them to you. They were trapped. You touched your head feeling the large gash and cursing. It took you off guard and you gasped when you felt the baby kick and move and realized what situation you were in. "Loki!? Nat! Tony! Anyone!" You screamed out not hearing anything. You positioned yourself to try and release your legs. You pushed on the bar holding them and it shifted slightly. You were able to release yourself. Your ankle was obviously broken. "Damnit that hurts..." you groaned looking around for an exit. You couldn't see one at the moment. You took your phone out of your pocket and used the flashlight. You saw an opening but you were sure you couldn't slide through with how big your belly was. You started to hear shouting. "Hello! Help! I'm down here!" You heard rustling and footsteps then a face. Bruce. "Hey banner. Mind helping me out of here. He nodded looking worried at all the blood you were covered in. "Just don't move too much. You're bleeding pretty bad." You scrunched your brows in confusion.  You didn't feel like it was that bad. When you looked at yourself again and then down you were laying in a big puddle of blood and then realized something was sticking out of your side. It was a little too close to your belly and the baby. You suddenly felt cold and scared starting to shake. You touched what was in you. It felt like metal. "Bruce where is Loki....." he didn't answer as he made the hole bigger. "Bruce!" You yelled at him. "He's fighting Bucky. . ." You're blood ran cold. You knew he would come back for you. You looked terrified and Bruce reached for you. "Let's go..." you took his hand as he helped you out. You crawled and it was extremely painful. Bruce helped you out and laid you down to let you regain your breath and composure. You heard more foot steps but you were in too much pain to look. Then you felt a familiar touch. "Y/n! Please. Please be ok." You groaned as he touched the thing in your side. You flinched and gasped grabbing his hand. "No! Don't touch it." Bruce looked concerned. "We have to get her to a medical bay the hospital or something. This could cause an infection and hurt her and the baby." Loki picked you up rushing you to the jet. Your vision started to blur and your head fell back as you passed out in his arms.

*Loki POV*

You watch her sleep as the monitors made noises letting him know you and the baby's heart beats were normal. She had been out for two days now and you were becoming worried. You go back to reading the book Natasha gave you. What to expect when you're expecting. What a stupid title. You kept reading you were almost done with it. You abandoned the book when you heard her stirring. You dropped the book and went to her side. She groaned but you took her hand and kissed it. "My love...." She opened her eyes and stared at you for a moment then looked around. "Where am I?" You stroke her cheek. "At the hospital love. You were hurt pretty badly." You kiss her head. She smiled and touched your cheek. "I feel ok now. What about the baby?" You smiled even wider. "She's just fine love. Healthy and unharmed. You saved her by diving under the table." She smiled once more and pulled you in for a kiss. You placed her hands on her face holding her in place. She smiled. "I'm starving." All you could do was laugh and rush to get her food.

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