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You slept for a while and didn't notice when Loki returned. He snuck through the bedroom and then left again. You stayed asleep until you heard Friday over the com calling you to meet everyone down stairs. You groaned and threw your pillow at the ceiling. "You missed y/n." You groaned again getting up and stepping off the bed. Your ankle twisted and you landed on your hip with a thud. "Damnit!"
You yell holding your ankle. You heard many foot steps rushing through the hall when the door flung open seeing Loki and a few others come rushing towards you. "Love!? Are you alright." He was by your side in a second. You looked down frustrated at your weakened state and you started to cry. You hated being so week. You hid your face in your hands and felt him pull you close to him. "It's alright darling. I'm here, and I have you." You shook your head pushing him away. "Where were you earlier? You left and I couldn't find you." You kept your face hidden. Loki sighed and gathered you in his arms not letting go no matter how hard you pushed. You finally gave up and laid into him. "I went shopping for you and our child love..." you looked up into his eyes a little shocked that you would go shopping on your own. "Natasha went with me..." he blushed a little. This brought a small smile to your face. He picked you up laying you back in bed. "I'll go get you some ice for your ankle." Nat was making an awww face at the two of you. Loki gave her a nasty glare as he walked away. Nat sat on the bed and smiled. "He really does love you doesn't he?" She smiled. You nodded your head and rubbed your belly. "Yeah I suppose he does."

Loki returned and Nat left with the others. You smiled as he put the ice on your bruised ankle. You grabbed his other hand laying it on your belly making him feel. He looked at you confused at first but then his eyes lit up with shock and worry as he felt the baby move under his hand. "Does that hurt you?" He asked worried. You chuckled. "No Loki. She's suppose to move. It's worrisome if she doesn't." You look in his eyes and smile. "I'm sorry I left. . . I was just... scared." Loki placed his hand on your cheek standing and placing a soft kiss in your lips. "I understand my love....and I never stopped searching for you." You smiled pulling you in the bed with you. He got behind you holding you rubbing your stomach. You felt at peace for once. Your mind wondering and then fear hit you. "Did you ever find Bucky...." Loki tensed. He forced himself to relax and then after a moment. "Y/n. . . We searched for him. He was gone and he is still out there somewhere. Probably searching for you. . . But I will not allow any harm to come to you or our child." He kissed you neck lightly and held you closer. Tears threatened to escape your eyes again. You blinked them away. "Loki...I'm hungry." You felt him shift and get up. "I'll be right back my love." He left the room. You sit up and start biting your nail, and thought to yourself. Damnit. What am I going to do?

Loki returned after a moment or so and gave you a plate full or pancakes, eggs, and bacon. You smiled and immediately started eating. Loki stood at the window staring out at the autumn colors. He stiffened when something flashed in his side vision he looked for the source but saw nothing. "Love. . . I'm going to go look around outside for a moment. I'll be right back." He left the room without another word. You finished eating and made yourself get up hobbling to the bathroom your ankle feeling a little better. After getting cleaned up and dressed you went to the elevator down to the main floor then strait to the kitchen. You were still a little hungry and decided on fruit. You didn't hear anyone in the living room or in the house close to you for that matter. You knew Loki would be back soon. You started feeling off. It was too quiet. As you went into the dining room where the large stone table that Tony insisted that they needed because it was sturdy. You heard a whistling sound. Then a couple more whistles to go with it. It didn't register what they were until seconds before they hit the house. You threw yourself towards the bottom of the table when the explosion hit. The sound was devastating and terrifying. You covered your belly the best you could before something hit your head and made you black out.

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