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When you woke you were in a bed and covered with very warm and soft blankets. Something you had not been used to in a while. You felt the baby moving and smiled lightly. Your eyes still closed right. You didn't feel anyone else in bed. You rolled over towards the window and opened your eyes. It was light outside. You sat up leaning against the head board. It was your old room. You stood up realizing you had been changed into night clothes. A gown. You smiled getting off the bed heading for the bathroom and stripped. You started to shower. It was wonderful having unlimited hot water again. After your shower you stood naked in front of the mirror. "I'm surprised I don't have stretch marks from you..." you laugh to yourself. You stretched and yawned heading back to your room from the bathroom still naked and put some clothes on. "No hiding you now..." you smiled to yourself. You left the room to head down the stairs for some food. You were starving. You passed where Loki's room is....was? You shrugged it off and carefully walked to the elevator. When it opened you saw Steve. He looked at you shocked. "When....how?!" You shoosh him to not draw attention. "Calm down. I arrived... well I actually don't know when I arrived. I was speeding on the jet. Loki and Nat came and got me." You blushed. Steve was still looking at your belly. "Please stop staring. It's awkward enough. I'm about 5-6 months now." Steve nodded. "Do you know who..." you looked down and nodded. "I do...but he doesn't. I want to tell him. . ." You look back at Loki's door. "I'm starving. Excuse me." You step in the elevator and ride down leaving Steve dumbfounded in the hallway.

As soon as you leave the elevator the chattering going on before hand came to a complete stop. "Don't stop gossiping just because I walked in." You have an annoyed smile and went strait to the kitchen. Nat was in the kitchen and poured you some coffee. "Here you go mama." She smiled. You gave her a death glare. Nat smiled sipping her own coffee. She rubbed your belly. "Hi there. I'm your auntie Nat, and I can't wait to meet you. Mommy was very naughty when she ran away and I had no idea you were there. But I'm here now and I'm going to be the best auntie ever." She kissed your belly and smiled at you walking away. You shake your head smiling and sip your coffee and grab a pop-tart. You knew they were Thor's but he would get over it. Apparently he heard the wrapper and came running. "Who has my...." His eyes got wide seeing your belly. "Y/N . . . First off when did you get back and second ...what!?" You smiled taking a bite of the pop-tart. "Some times last night or this morning and I'm pregnant. As soon as Loki gets up and down here I'm calling a house meeting." You drank your coffee. Thor nodded. "He should be back soon. He left early this morning." You gave him a worried glance and then looked down. "Oh...did he say where he was going?" You asked. Thor shrugged his shoulders. "He took the van is all I know." You nodded and finished eating. "I'm going to use the pool..." you walked from the kitchen and back up stairs to change.

You reach your room and looked in the mirror. You had tears in your eyes. You looked mad at yourself. Why were you on the verge of tears because he wasn't here? You shook your head and cursed. "Damn hormones..." You get changed into your bikini. You didn't care who saw. You headed for the pool.

When you reach the pool you were alone. You stepped in and flinched. The water was a little cold but you kept venturing in. It took your breath away for a moment but then you adjusted. The baby started moving and kicking making you smile. You floated for a while and waded. All that extra weight was coming off and you felt amazing. You were in there a good hour before you started getting tired. You got out abs wrapped a towel around your waist heading your room to change. You stared at your naked body in the mirror. Tears filled your eyes again. "Seriously. Why am I crying again. . ." You wipe the tears away abs put in a simple dress walking to the bed sitting abs picking up a book that was laying on the bedside table. You read for a while until you drifted off asleep.

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