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Loki's POV*

You sit reading, hearing the steady beeps of the machines connected to Y/N. You steal glances at her form here and there to steady your racing thoughts. You would give anything in the world just to see her eyes again. You set your book down and get up going to her running your hand carefully through her hair. You place a kiss in her forehead and go to sit back down to continue reading and watching her.


The dreams were vivid. Dating back to the original time HYDRA had you, to now. In your mind you have not been rescued. Seeing Loki was only a dream. You were still in the room where Bucky....you couldn't finish the thought. You thought he cared for you...that he was your friend. You knew he was probably being brainwashed but it didn't make it hurt any less. You start hearing an odd continuous sound. It was becoming rather annoying. You take a deep breath and let it out. You start feeling someone there. You don't dare open your eyes. Then you feel someone lean over you and kiss your head. What? You hear shuffling then nothing. 'I guess I'm need to see where I am.'  You think to yourself. You start opening your eyes abs it's bright too bright for one of HYDRA'S cells. You groan and look around realizing it's a hospital bed. You shoot up in the bed panicking when someone is right by your side in an instant. Loki? Your mind is racing as you are trying to calm down tears stinging your eyes. "Where the hell am I?!" You scream and start trying to rip the cords and IV's of of yourself.

*Loki's POV*

You try and hold her hands from tearing out the IV's and cords but she is frantic and scared. "Someone help!" You yell from the room and see Bruce, Tony, Nat, and Wanda rushing in. "Y/N! It's ok calm down. You're home with us..." Nat tried to calm her. Wanda used her magic to hold her hands. You grab her face with both of your hands and look her in the eyes. "Y/N.... Look at me.... See me. You are safe. It's ok we have you."

*y/n POV*

You look in his eyes seeing it's really him. It's really Loki you start to shake and lean into him crying hard. He wraps you in his slender but strong arms holding you close. You feel Wanda's magic release you. Bruce starts working around the two of you hugging and getting the cords out of the way. The bleeding stops in your arm abs hand. You stay in Loki's arms as he sits on the bed with you. Tears still falling. Tony clears the room for you. Loki stayed silent. You wonder what he's thinking. Is he mad that you had been with Bucky. Wait...why did you care if he was mad. . . He's the one that rejected you. You pull away and sit up. Loki gave you a concerned glance. "Darling....are you ok?" You looked at him new tears forming in your eyes. You didn't know what to say. You didn't know how to answer his question. We're you ok? You felt ok physically. In your mind... all you wanted to do was go to your room and cut the pain out. Let it bleed out until you didn't feel it anymore. You looked down at your hands and old scars from the past remembering them flow of the blood and imagining that all of your pain was speeding out of your body. Loki got up sitting in front of you now. He cupped your chin in one of his hands and brings your face to see his. "I won't let you hurt yourself y/n." You turn away from him and the tears fall. You couldn't stand the pain the thoughts. You curled your knees to your chest and cried again. Laying on your side this time curled up in a ball.

*Bruce's POV*

Tony was standing in front of you chewing his thumb and thinking. You sigh. "I'm worried about y/n's mental state at this point. This mental trauma is too much for her to handle. You saw Bucky as a very good friend and now. . . She's lost as to what to do. What were their intentions to make him do that to her." Bruce was deep in thought. He didn't understand this entire situation. Tony stood and started pacing. Something he did when he was thinking. He stopped, he looked at you. "What if they were trying to breed...." You give him a questioning gaze. "Think about it. Y/n, with the powers she has. Along with Bucky him being a super soldier. Could it work?" Tony kept pacing. Your eyes go wide. "They we're trying to get her pregnant?!" You stand to go back in there and Tony stops you. "We can't just barge in there and tell her that. She's already been through enough give it a few days." They see the door open. Loki looks between them and raises a brow. "Y/N wants to know if she can be released to go to her own room. The bed hurts her back." Loki looks between the two. You sigh. "Let me do a checkup and then We'll see." Loki nods going back into the room.

*y/n POV*

You sit up in the bed as soon as Bruce and Tony come in. You don't speak to them or look at them. You feel...ashamed in a way. Bruce comes over and starts checking everything. "Well....she seems fine physically...she should be fine to go to her room." He sighs. You nod and stand up walking shakily towards the door. You look back at Loki but don't say anything. He follows you knowing you want him to. When you reach your room you immediately strip the sheets from your bed. The last time you were on it. You were with Bucky and pushing him away cause you were drunk. You threw them in the hamper and got new ones from the drawer. Loki watched you silently. You made your bed and then sat on the couch in your room and curled up shaking. Loki grabbed a small blanket off the end of your bed and covered you before sitting next to you. "You don't have to stay with me. I'm fine." He sighed. "I don't think you are, and I'm here until you are ready to talk about it." He places a hand on your leg to pat it then removed his hand to sit in his own lap. You groan. You get up and then turn to lay your head on his lap. He hesitated for a moment then started rubbing your hair. You felt relaxed. You felt safe and loved. Then tired. You fell asleep on his lap and drifted into a dreamless sleep.

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