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It seems only yesterday you were being pulled from the destruction of the compound that HYDRA caused. You were in your room snacking on sour gummies when you felt a hardening in your stomach and a slight pain. You ignored it for a bit. It went away after about 2 minutes. Then another 30 minutes later happened but stronger. You get off the bed and head to the elevator. Loki and Thor were on Asgard visiting his mother and you had three weeks to go before the baby was due. You walked down stairs to find a note that the others are on a mission and Bruce went out to get food. You rolled your eyes as you open the fridge and get some water out. The pain hit again almost making you fall to your knees. You felt something wet run down your leg. "Shit..." you walk to the couch sitting carefully still sipping the water and taking deep breaths. "Friday!" A woman's voice echoed through the room. "Yes Miss y/n." You scream as another pain hit. "Would you like me to contact the others?" You gripped the couch and laid back "yes! Now please!" You yelled out of frustration and pain. "Damnit Loki! Where are you!" You scream as another one hit 10 min after the last.

*tony pov*

You are flying and in the middle of fighting HYDRA soldiers when Friday's voice interrupts. "Sir. We have a situation back at the new compound." You groan. "A little busy here Friday." He says blasting some people back. "But sir. It seems as if Miss.y/n is in active labor." You stop what you are doing and contact the team. "Abort mission! We have to get back to the compound now!" You fly out of a nearby window and help the others to the jet.

*y/n pov*

You lay on the couch screaming as the contractions get closer. You hear a loud noise outside not realizing what it is. You scream again as two people come running into the house. Loki drops down beside you holding your hand. "Love it's ok I'm here now. I'm so sorry I'm late." You pull your hand away gripping the couch screaming. "My water has broke and she's coming!" You arch your back as the pain becomes too much. Loki looked down seeing some blood
And became worried. "Thor can you contact the others?" He gets down and helps you with your shorts to get them off. When he removed then his eyes widened. "Is that supposed to be sticking out like that?!" Thor came and looked his eyes wide as well. You look between the two. "Why are you two staring at my vagina like that?!" You scream at them. You reach down best you can and feel. "She's crowning. I have to push Loki!" You lay your head back and scream and start pushing. Loki looked terrified and started trying to help get the head out. When he saw his daughters face he smiled. "Her head is out. . . Just a little more love you can do this.." Loki saw blood coming out with her. He looked concerned but kept encouraging you to push. You scream pushing again as he moved her a little to get her shoulders out then from there she slipped right out. That's when Bruce came running on hearing the screams. "What is happening..." Bruce dropped the bags and ran over grabbing the baby turning her over and smacking her back to get her to scream. When she did he handed her back to Loki and took over getting y/n the rest of the way finished. You pass out half way through delivering the afterbirth. The others returned shortly and you were sent to medical with the baby.

Hours later you wake up groaning and in a little pain. You look over to see Loki standing at the window looking out of it and talking to someone. When he turns you see him holding a small pink blanket and talking about stories of Asgard and how it was lovely there and how her grandmother would love to meet her one day. You smile and make a nose letting him know you were awake. He smiled coming over to you setting the baby in your arms. "She's perfect. She looks like you." You smile looking at Loki. He smiles and leans down kissing you when you feel something appear on your finger. You break the kiss looking down seeing the most beautiful emerald ring you have ever seen. "Loki. What's this?" You looked shocked. He smiled kissing you once more. "It's a ring. It was my mother's ring. I....I want you to have it and be my bride. I want to keep you forever by my side." He smiled. Your eyes fill with tears as you don't know what to say. You look at the baby and then to Loki. "I would love to be your bride my love." He smiled and leaned in for another kiss. You
Stare out the window watching the sun shine and the snow melting as the first signs of spring come to bloom. Holding your daughter in your arms you kiss her head as Loki stared at you with nothing but love in his eyes. This was a perfect happy ending to a long cold winter.

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