Sneak Peak . . .

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Dear Ms. Response,

     Its kinda complicated why I'm writing to you. Yet, I still choose to do it.
Is it bad that I have feelings, well strong feelings for someone I call my
Best friend more like sister that I kinda friend zoned? I don't know what
it is about her.. Maybe it's that million dollar smile, or those ocean blue
eyes, that I seem to get lost in every time she's near. My heart is speeding up
rapidly right now just writing about her.. What should I do?


- Anonymous Lost Boy

I took off my reading glasses placing them on my brown hardwood night stand. This is a daily routine of mine; I read letters from teens asking for advice on any life situations. However, what these teens fail to realize is I'm a teen myself. A Junior at Gravel Stone High School by the name of Tanya Willis to be exact. The letters and responses all started to keep me busy, until it got serious and I stopped taking it as a joke. I created a website called Ms.Response, and it expanded from there. I'm anonymous as well, I don't and will not let my identity be uncovered.

I gently placed my reading glasses back on taking a quick glance back over the letter I had received from the 'Anonymous Lost Boy' clicking the reply button.

Dear Anonymous Lost Boy,

The situation you have here is quite interesting. I havemt really got any
letters like this before. My advice to you is give her a sign, do little things
to at least get her thinking your feeling her. Don't put yourself out there to
much,  because trust me US girls take that as one thing, THIRSTY! Give her little
compliments.. You know? The things that you don't do or say often. I can't
really say much or respond to this because I need a little more info..
Hope things, go well with this million dollar smile,mesmorizing
eye catcher of a beauty..

-Ms. Response


A lil sum I been writing nun major .. lol, just a little bit to see if y'all interested or nah.. Should I keep yay or nay? Lemme know, so if not I can throw out this one and test out other story ideas.. It may sound weird, but its gonna be hella interesting and there will be bunch of plot twists and more.. I think y'all would like it, but whats y'all opinion on what I let y'all see thus far?

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