Chapter 3

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Ch . 3 -


Ariana's POV


"August baby, the kiss meant nothing." I say trying to convince him that the kiss Chres & I shared meant nothing to me. I keep trying to tell myself that, but apparently my heart doesn't believe that.

"Whatever Ariana, I don't believe you. You know, I know about your past and what you two had, so don't try to feed me that bullshit." He yelled into the phone.

"I promise you it didn't."

"Loose my number, and don't you dare text or call me." He said harshly.

"What are you trying to say August?" I asked, tears streaming down my face. "Is this the end of us?" I added.

"Yes it is." Right then he hung up.

I threw my phone across the room. There were so many thoughts running through my head. Do I tell Chres that I'm not really Ariana I'm Yn? Do I keep trying with August? I just I don't know. I'm always at the wrong place at the wrong time. & I'm always doing stupid ass things.

Chres then walked in."Is everything okay?"

"Yeah I'm alright, but don't you have work to attend to?" I ask.

"Thanks for reminding me. Good luck with the kids." He chuckled exiting the room.

As soon as I heard the door close. I went to wake the kids up, there late risers.

After I got them up & dressed I took them to the park. I love being around my kids again. It brings so much joy to my life.

"Ms. Ariana?" Chremonte looks at me.

"Yes Monte?"

"Can I ask you a question?" He asks.

I furrow my eye brows,"Y-yeah what is it?"

"Do you think my mommy loves me? She left me & my sissy's and never came back." He looks down.

Damn, this is breaking my heart. I have to tell them. I can't keep it a secret any longer.

"Of course she does. But can I let you in on a little secret? But you can't tell your daddy." I say with a slight smile.

"What is it?" He asks jumping up & down.

"Go get your sisters first."

He went to get them, they all come rushing towards me. They sit & stand all around me. " I told Monte I wanted to let him in on a little secret. But you cannot tell your daddy."

They all nod there heads meaning they understand.

"Well what is it?" Ny'Onnie says getting impatient.

"Mommy's back."

They all give me confused looks.

"Huh?" They say in unison.

"I'm your mommy."

"No your not, say something mommy used say to Chremonte." Ny'Shay says to me.

"Monte turn off that PS4 cause I'm not buying a new one." I say. They're faces light up, but Ny'Marie says something.

"If your really mommy what's the nick names you used to call us?" She asks.

"Onnie baby, Shay Shay , Mar Mar , & Tae ." I smiled

"MOMMYYYYYY." They all say squealing.

"Hey baby's."

They all hug me tears running down all their faces.

"Never leave us again." Ny'Marie says, hugging me tighter.

"I won't baby I won't. But remember don't tell daddy."

They agree again. It's so good to have my little baby's back. I couldn't take it any longer I had to tell them.



Hey readers , I'm soo sorry I haven't been updating 😒😒 ,I just started high school last week and I've been very concentrated on it. But it's the weekend. Sooo , lots of updates. I'm hoping to have chapters 4-7 up by the end of the day Sunday. Thanks to all that still has been sticking by my side throughout this. BTW IM SORRY THIS CHAPTER WAS A LITTLE BORING . BETTER CHAPTERS UP TOMORROW . I JUST WANTED TO GET SOMETHING UP FOR YALL ! LOVE YOU ALL !!!!! KEEP VOTING & COMMENTING AND SHOWING MY BOOK LOVE ' 😍😍😍😍

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