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Aizawa's POV
I was just returning to the school when I saw two boys running out, one ash blond the other green. Why can't these two just act like normal teenagers? Thoughts of what Toga's brother told me about my students filtered through my mind. How could these two boys that I have known for over two years now, really be that sadistic? The detective insisted that he was telling the truth whether it was the truth or not he didn't know but the boy believed it with every fiber of his being.

Now would actually be a good time to follow them, see what they are actually doing when no one is looking...

I roll my eyes at my own thoughts. Of course I'm going to follow them. What kind of teacher would I be if I just yelled out and lectured them for sneaking out at all hours of the day? A good one? Like that was going to happen.

I followed them to a coffee shop and while they weren't paying attention I got myself a big cup of my favorite but quickly hid when they would look around. They didn't seem to be looking for anything in particular though. It looked almost like it was out of habit. Do they even realize how they are constantly looking over the other's shoulder?

I'm sitting close enough to listen to what they are talking about and it seemed to be a whole lot of nothing. They were just giggling and eating and chatting?

"We have really missed out on a lot. Haven't we?" I hear Bakugo ask Midoriya and I swear I heard him sigh before he answered.

"We have our whole lives together now. Kacchan I will do everything I can to help you forget her." I looked over to see Bakugo tearing up but I couldn't see Midoriya's face very well.

"You really are the world's number one hero, without you I... I might have given up. What would I have done without you?" I couldn't help understanding the way he meant those words. He was afraid of being a villain. I mean aren't most heroes? The line between a hero and villain is not always a clean one.

I watched them for a while but I couldn't really hear much after that. They went back to the counter and got another coffee each before leaving. I waited a few seconds only to see them running almost out of sight when I did leave the café after them.

I had to use every trick I knew to catch up to them and when I did I was stuck. They were sitting on a hill top and watching the sunrise. Wait.

Is this a date?

I watch them giggling in the distance and more talking and kissing. Then I hear Bakugo practically puff out his chest and announce, "Our first date has been going great if I do say so myself!" I hold in a groan, they are on a date. I should just walk out and lecture them. I froze at what Midoriya said next though.

"Our first of many!" I just blinked for several seconds. They have never been on a date before? But they... They... They were literally having sex earlier, were't they? Now that I think about it there are a number of reasons they could have been making those kinds of sounds. I don't even know which of them it was. Maybe they were just making out? If that is the case then I don't really need to talk to them about it now do I? At least not in the way that I was planning too.

Didn't they tell me that they were though? That they were sexually active? It's been months and honestly it could have just been implied or a misunderstanding altogether... Couldn't it?

My head hurts. I notice them getting up and giggling. They head out again, thankfully this time much slower. At least I can sip my coffee in peace while I follow them.

I follow them through a mall and watch as they get all kinds of things from clothes to new phones, that they actually really did need, and all sorts of odds and ends. Food too, weird stuff like whipped cream and chocolate syrup but then I saw them getting large canisters of coffee, cocoa and milk. Never mind they are just shopping to be shopping then. I remember what they told me about being locked up in the safe house or the hideout all this time and I can't help smiling at how carefree they seemed.

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