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Aizawa's POV
I don't know how to describe what I was seeing, the way that Midoriya and Bakugo were sobbing holding onto the tiny woman was heartbreaking. This is the first time since their staged suicide that they have been able to see her as themselves and without them being seperated. Of course they saw her on Midoriya's birthday but she still didn't know that the little girl named Angel was actually her son in disguise, she had also seen them during the execution of her 'friend' but Midoriya was in the middle of performing an actual heart surgery to save their lives and they couldn't even so much as look at her and then she was allowed to see them in the hospital but only through a window and not in person.

When she told Bakugo to call her mom or mama though it was like nothing I have ever seen before. It was like seeing him revert into an actual child as he cried for the mother he never truly had before as she held him just as close and fiercely as Midoriya.

There was a lot of crying and anytime one of them would talk they would end up just bursting into more tears again anyway so they would give up. Their suicide happened just last April, it's almost December now. They have been isolated for so long and even, really longer than that.

When they were finally able to quiet down All Might joined them and I couldn't not see a couple tears of his own as he held his family for the first time. It wasn't until All Might smiled at them that they were finally able to silence their tears all together. Of course they were still crying, the tears didn't seem to actually know how to stop trailing down their faces at this point but they were silent as they hugged and were hugged.

"My poor babies, I know this has all been hard on you," she took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm not about to make it any easier on you either. I'm so sorry, I tried so hard to protect you. You have no idea how hard I really did try but I failed you both so much." Inko's tears never stopped but she refused to stop talking. I knew what she needed to tell them and the rest of my class made the room up so that the four of them were sitting comfortably snuggled into each other's arms.

"Mom what's wrong? Whatever it is, I'm sure Kacchan and I can make it better. We can help you," Midoriya looked down into his mothers eyes and she closed them looking away.

I watched her take several deep breaths before Momo, Iida and Todoroki came back into the room handing out hot chocolate mugs and a black coffee for me. Damn these kids are too much sometimes and yet I can't bring myself to even scowl at them anymore. Not since Mineta got kicked out of the class.

"Izuku, it's well past time for me to tell you about your father," she started and then started explaining everything. Both Bakugo and Midoriya were shocked to say the least but she seemed to answer their questions before they could even utter them. The rest of my students listened but considering they already knew they weren't all that shocked.

Midoriya turned to look at All Might and started crying and apologizing, saying, "I didn't know!" and that, "I understand if you want someone else to be your successor." He really is such an overdramatic problem child. I smiled as I watched the scene unfold.

"Young Midoriya, I knew about him before I asked your mother to marry me. I can't begin to think of anyone more suited to the task of being the symbol of peace than you. Even as you are now." Damn what got in my eyes? There is no way I'm crying at such a cringy line as that. Nope no way in hell.

"You really still want to be my dad?" Oh no he looked up at him with those big sappy puppy dog eyes that should have been able to stop the worlds most ruthless villains in their tracks. So much for that though.

"Oh course," All Might looked at Bakugo this time and added, "And yours too. You are both so precious to me I can't understand it sometimes but you are my boys and come hell or high water I will do everything in my power to protect you both."

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