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A/N In starting to think I'm a binge update just like I'm a binge reader or anime watcher. 😅 But I'm sure you all won't complain about an extra chapter. Right? 🌈

Aizawa's POV
I watched as Bakugo was starting to fall to pieces right in front of my eyes. His own father? So not only was his mother a villain but so is his father? How did he get such a drive to be a hero? How did he ever get a chance to want to be a hero? I see Midoriya pull Bakugo into a tight hug as the blond broke down in front of us. What can I even say to all of this?

But I couldn't do nothing, I walked forward and put a hand on each boy's shoulders and when they looked up and saw me they were both in tears as they clung to me. What kind of life have these two had? I can't even begin to imagine but at the same time I need to know.

It can wait, I pull my boys to me holding them close, my own tears falling as I did. "I will not let him hurt you. Do you understand?" I asked them and felt their fingers dig into my back as they cried into my chest. I start to chuckle and when they look confused I can't help saying, "What's a Dadizawa to do?" It did exactly what I hoped it would and they started laughing in my arms. It's not long before the rest of my problem children joined us and when we finished Bakugo forced us all to sit down and eat.

We ate and they tried to pretend nothing happened at all but we could all see how they were forcing their smiles. How were they undercover for so long? Wait, were their covers actually really blown?

After the meal I sat the two down in the common room, "I don't want to pry but we need to know." I waited and they didn't seem confused in the least, just sad.

"Nothing we tell you will make you feel good, it will probably make you think we are dangerous." Bakugo answered.

"And you wouldn't be wrong either," Midoriya sighed, looking defeated.

"We are all dangerous, we spend all this time training to become heroes. Don't forget it's not the quirk, it's how you use it," I lectured them and they gave little smiles in return. Then they started talking; they were four years old and just found out their quirks at Bakugo's house. They went through the years of how they were tied up and beaten, how one of Bakugo's parents would tie them up and nearly kill them on a weekly basis. They talked about how good they got at bandaging each other up. They told us about the first time they killed a person.

My students' faces were pale but they never interrupted, we all listened start to finish. On how they were able to get away. They told us everything up until the suicide and how if it wasn't for Nezu they really would have died that day.

"Bro?" Kirishima had tears running down his face even only saying one word. Bakugo only nodded and the redhead tackled him sobbing. It was like they were all given the green light and they attacked the boys with hugs all around.

These two... They have lived a life that no one should ever have to imagine. To kill a person when they were only five? To learn how to torture soon after. And their pain tolerance is out of this world. No wonder Midoriya didn't even flinch about breaking his bones during his first year.

"Will you tell us what happened while you were undercover?" Iida asked in a small voice and I saw the boys tense up.

"Maybe that should wait for another day?" I asked him but Midoriya stopped me from leaving by holding up a hand. I froze and he told us, Bakugo couldn't even look up at us and Midoriya kept his head down too, his voice was crystal clear as he told us about the League. He never failed when he told us the names of all the people that landed on their table or what they told them. His voice never broke but it was also absent of any emotion at all. When he finally looked up I could see tears running down his face but he didn't let a single sniffle or sob stop him from telling us about how many times they couldn't bother to eat just because it would just come back up anyway, so why bother?

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