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A/N Okay I cave. It looks like I'll probably be updating most days of the week. This story has been written for months and only requires light editing anyway before it's ready to publish. So please enjoy! Lord knows I sure as hell need some fluff but that will have to wait still. 🏳️‍🌈

Aizawa's POV
I held the shaking ash blond in my arms letting him cry. I mouthed for Iida to run and get Recovery Girl as soon as possible. Midoriya was sound asleep thanks to Bakugo's quick thinking but he failed to think about himself as Midoriya's words triggered his PTSD. As much as he tried to will it all away he just couldn't. The conversation they shared was from when they were just five? Five years old and already suffering from abuse, severe life threatening abuse at that.

I don't know how many times I had to call his name just to get his attention. Let alone after because he kept drifting back into his waking nightmare. Reliving the scene as if it were happening today and not 13 years ago.

A part of me, and not a small part of me, wishes that I could bring the woman back just so that I could inflict half the pain she has before killing her again. Is All-For-One really the worst villain? Or was it Bakugo's mother Mitsuki? What about her husband? Bakugo's father? All this time it was never his name they cried out or tried to flee it was always his mother, the hag. The only real indication of how they felt about his father was the phone call weeks ago.

"Dad? Will you protect us from him too?" Bakugo's words were soft but I heard it loud and clear and so did my students.

"I'll do everything I can. Stay with me? Just stay with me for a while okay?" I hushed him and cradled him in my arms until he finally fell asleep and I tucked him back next to Midoriya before turning back to my students who were all waiting not knowing what to do. What can they do? What can I do?

"It goes without saying that we all have a very special mission but there is more to it than any of you know." I turned eyeing Nezu making sure he understood that what I was about to say was going to go way over all of our heads. Iida came in with Recovery Girl and Nezu stopped her from going to the boys and sealed the room off, letting me speak.

"We have to protect them from their father's no matter what happens." My voice was grave but they all heard me correctly. I said fathers as in both of them.

"Do you know who Midoriya's father is? Last I knew no one but his mother knew and she wasn't talking," Nezu questioned, he no longer looked carefree after the afternoon we all have had but somehow he looked almost frightening now.

"I refuse to let you use his father against him. He doesn't even know himself, you can't blame the boy for who his parents are," I growled, stepping between the boys on the floor and Nezu.

"You should know better than anyone that I wouldn't do that to anyone regardless of who it was." he narrowed his eyes, glaring at me.

"Inko didn't know when she married him. She didn't know until SHE kicked him out. She didn't know until SHE forced him out AND kept him out." I made what I said very clear and Nezu just nodded very slowly and I took a deep breath thankful that both boys were out cold at the moment. "His father is All-For-One."

No one moved, no one so much as breathed except for the two boys lying unconscious on the floor, their quiet labored breathing the only indication that they weren't sleeping peacefully.

"All Might?" Nezu asked calmly and I looked around not knowing the man was even in the room. He must have come in with Iida; it's the only way I could understand it.

"No I didn't know," he coughed up some blood and quickly wiped it away. "But I stand by my decision of making him my successor. He has done nothing wrong and being born is not a crime." I watched the weak blond man glare at Nezu from his place next to my students.

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