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Aizawa's POV
"Dadizawa!" Iida came bursting into the teacher's office with Kaminari. All the teachers turned to look between me and the students and I couldn't help wanting to die a little. Okay more like crawl under a rock, but still. Can't I have one normal day?

"Yes, problem children?" I ask, I might as well just claim the name instead of the other teachers spreading rumors.

"They woke up and no one could find them!" Kaminari answered and I shot out of my seat.

"What do you mean no one can find them? Are you sure they are awake, has anyone seen them at all?" I start following my students only to see Hizashi and All Might quickly join by my side.

"No sir, well Todoroki said he thought he did but then they disappeared into thin air," Iida seemed to realise that we were not the only ones in the room and I waved it off, he sighed reverting back to the class name. "Dadizawa, we returned to the dorms just like everyday and Todoroki and Kirishima went to their room to find it empty. Their bed was stripped and the room was clean. It's almost like before," He was starting to hyperventilate and I put a hand on his shoulder and took deep breaths until he followed suit. Nothing good will come from him freaking out.

"Where is the rest of the class?" All Might asked and I can't say I'm not surprised. He really has matured into a decent teacher since the incident.

It was Kaminari who answered, "they are still at the dorms searching for any clues."

I nod at least they are acting like heroes. Iida is the fastest but it looks like Kaminari came as well to keep him calm. Which means he would have been useless searching anyway. Probably Momo or Todoroki's thinking considering Iida is currently unable to think properly at the moment.

"Let's go, I'm sure that we can find them. We will find them," I lead the way back, both boys following close behind as well as Hizashi and All Might. We were on a mission and I'll be damned if I let those two leave us like that again.

I was in the common room before I really knew what happened and I saw Momo directing everyone keeping track of everywhere that was searched and by whom before sending them somewhere else to look and figure out where they could be.

I got an update and was able to quickly scan over the list of places checked and by who. I kept reading and it dawned on me like a light bulb.

"Has anyone checked Bakugo's old room?" I asked and everyone froze what they were doing. No one said anything at all. I let out a sigh and turned to Todoroki and Kirishima, "You two check and if they are there send a text in the class chat, we can't all go running in there with how they have been waking up the last couple weeks." They nod, understanding what I meant. I don't want any of my students to be hospitalized because they think they are undercover while half asleep again.

Everyone waited and waited, most getting jittery as they watched their phones until there was a ding and a picture of the two of them laying in bed. Midoriya was asleep, I think, and Bakugo covered his face either asleep or annoyed. A collective breath was released and Uraraka comes in saying that the washing machine is running on a triple cycle, apparently that is something only Bakugo does. It makes sense really considering how much he sweats due to his quirk and the fact that they have been sick would have only made it worse.

Everyone is fine, thank All Might. I glance to the side and actually see the man. Why do we all say that? He isn't God or anything. But we all pray to him anyway and he just, I don't know, ignores it? I assign students to different tasks and if Todoroki and or Kirishima need a break they are covered. I pick students to cook tonight and someone else to actually make sure that the bedding gets done.

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