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Aizawa's POV
I was in the elevator when I heard them, the doors only just starting to open, "And don't you fucking dare fuck or I will explode both of you fuckers!" Bakugo was practically screaming. Just then the elevator opened all the way showing Bakugo and Midoriya going back into Bakugo's room and about to slam the door while Kirishima and Todoroki stood in the hallway topless. I groan covering my face with a hand, just why?

"Don't give me that look!" I hear Bakugo yelling at me. "We just did your job for you," he slammed the door shut and I heard him lock it before I turned to the two very red teenage boys still in front of me.

"Do I want to know why you're not wearing shirts?" I asked and they both looked down and started trying to cover themselves when they realized that yeah, no shirt.

"It's not what you think Dadizawa! I swear, they were showing us how to do that massage thing and just one thing led to another and I mean we didn't even kiss. We're innocent still," Kirishima started blabbering and I figured out what Bakugo meant by doing my job for me.

"So you got the sex talk from Bakugo and Midoriya?" I asked and I saw Kirishima turn away and Todoroki slowly nodded. Damn that's a punishment all on it's own. "I might not regret not expelling them after all," I mumble mostly to myself but the two in front of me heard me loud and clear, gulping at the thought I might regret letting, at least some of them, stay in my class.

"Go to your rooms I believe it is curfew anyway, you can get your clothes back from them tomorrow assuming you still want them by then," I rolled my eyes and saw them both still very red. "No I don't want to know," I wave them off and turn around and take the elevator back down ignoring the way the two were looking at each other.

The doors were not even closed yet when I heard Todoroki ask, "So do you want to go to a movie sometime?" I bury my face in my hand. Of course, that would be why they got the sex talk. I got to the common room and sat on the couch again and the students froze whatever they were doing waiting for me to say something.

"Momo?" I groan and she pops up out of nowhere and I just go with it anymore. "Please make a list of who is dating who either in class or if it is someone out of class. I'm tired of being blind sided."

"Of course Dadizawa," she pulls out a notebook and starts writing names down occasionally I see her point at someone who reluctantly points at someone else before she finally finishes and hands me the list;

Bakugo x Midoriya - gay
Momo x Jiro - lesbian
Kaminari x Shinso - gay
Uraraka x Iida - straight
Ashido x Sero - straight
Tokoyami x Asui - straight
Ojiro x Hagakure - straight

Shoji - ace
Koda - ace
Aoyama - ace

Sato - straight single
Kirishima - gay single
Todoroki - bi single

Well considering I just overheard Todoroki ask out Kirishima it only goes to reason that they wouldn't know about that yet. Besides it's not like I heard Kirishima's answer before the elevator closed so I really don't know. I took a deep breath trying to relax, this was more than what I was expecting.

I mean I knew about several of them coming out all at once that night but I didn't really do a tally and it's been a couple months so... I literally have nine students that are straight and only one of them is single. Then I have three that are ace?

I look at the list for a minute and look up to see several red faced students looking down or away. "Let me make myself very clear there will be no, I repeat NO underage sexual activity on campus. Do I make myself clear?" I see them nodding, staying silent as they do. "Good, then in that case congratulations on your happiness," I raised an eyebrow when they all snapped their heads up, their jaws open in surprise before I got tackled again by my students. "You don't have to tackle me to hug me, you know?" I let out a groan when one of them knocked the air out of me.

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