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Bakugo's POV
I woke up pressed into Icyhot, I was burning up and he just felt too nice and cool to the touch.

"I don't know how or why you're here. But you're staying," I grumbled and I actually cuddled into him before I felt a heavenly frosty chill drift over me. I look up to see him using his quirk to create a light frosty fog to coat my burning skin. I let out a whimper, hating myself for being so weak but absolutely loving the coolness he was creating.

"It's okay, I'll take care of you, relax," he whispered and I felt my body listen to him as sleep pulled me under again.


This time I woke up stretching and letting out a slight groan at the movement. I feel gross, like I had been sweating for days in the same nasty bedding and clothes, well boxers anyway. I look around to see Deku still sleeping but we are alone in bed. He looks so much better than last time I saw him, I swear for a minute I thought we were going to die until Icyhot showed up out of fucking nowhere and nearly force-feeding us.

I stand up feeling my aching muscles complain before shaking Deku awake. "Hmm? What?" He groaned, yawning but sitting up anyway.

"We stink, come on we need a shower," I walked away to start the water while he got himself up and the water was perfect by the time he arrived and we were finally able to clean off all the yuck on us. When we finished we also cleaned off the bed and once the mattress was airing out we took our sweaty stinky bedding to the laundry room and started the machines.

I know that I still feel crappy but I also know that I feel so much better that it is painful. "Deku, I really want some lemon ice cream." I lean against the washing machine I was in front of looking back at him.

I see him smile and pull me into a hug, "Me too, Kacchan." His voice is so sweet and innocent sometimes I wonder if we really grew up together.

We walked downstairs to find the dorms empty but when I looked at my phone it was also Friday and only like 11 am. So everyone is probably in class. We get to the freezer and find our frozen treat happy to see no one has touched it since I stuffed a spoonful into Icyhot's mouth which seemed like forever ago. Should I feel bad about that?

"Don't tell him, but I think I actually kind of like Icyhot. He isn't so bad." I looked at Deku, we had just sat down and he broke his metal spoon after I said that. It took a second for me to realise what I just said. "No! Not like that," I groan only to hear him take a deep breath like he had been holding it. I think I almost got Todoroki killed...

"I love you and only you, Izuku." I reach over and caress his gentle face watching in amazement that he could look so happy. Oops, I usually only say his real name when I'm begging for... Things. Fun things. But he either knows I didn't mean it in that way or he didn't notice.

"I love you too Katsuki," he purred, leaning into my touch. Well there goes option two, he must know I didn't mean it like that then. We took our bowls of ice cream to the common room and found a blanket to cuddle under and put a movie on. We fell asleep with our bowls on the coffee table empty along with two cups of now empty hot cocoa.


"Kacchan?" I hear Deku whining and I have to basically shake the sleep off trying to wake up. I see him cuddled into my side, his body a bit warm to the touch. Is he still sick?

"Deku?" I answer and see him relax against me again before opening his bright green eyes.

"I need you," I hear him whimper and that's when I felt his boner pressed against my leg. I look up at the clock and see that it's almost 2, I need to hurry. I carry my lover to the elevator not willing to deal with people trying to get into Deku's room and plus the bed still isn't made yet. So I took him to my room and locked the door.

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