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A/N I'm back! My trip was great! Lol but now I have a sunburn. Oh well, I really needed that. It was my first ever vacation and it was WAY overdue. Please enjoy the story! ✌️🌈

Aizawa's POV
"Where did they go?" I hissed seeing the two empty desks, their school bags still sitting there as if they would return at any second. I was only gone a few minutes to get my lunch from Hizashi. How was I supposed to know they were going to disappear again?

"We honestly don't know and we really didn't want to follow them after what they said," Kami scratched at his neck only to have Shinso and Ashido smack him.

"And what did they say?" I glared at my students.

"Sir with all due respect I don't think you actually want to know. Just know they are... Healthy," Iida answered, looking away as he did and I saw Uraraka blushing looking away from him.

"You all remember that I said there will be no underage sexual activity in the dorms, correct?" I glared knowing full well that she was still 17 but I was unsure about Iida.

"Damn, that took two seconds for him to figure out?" Kami asked only to get swatted again by Shinso and Ashido. So Bakugo and Midoriya left to have sex? You have got to be kidding me.

"It's not healthy to have sex for hours at a time like that. How are they even functional?" Ojiro mused out loud. What the hell did I miss?

"I did some looking up because, well you know," Todoroki blushed crimson before going on. "And I found that after two hours it is extremely dangerous." 

"But they make it seem like they can't stop. Have you seen them horny?" Kirishima shuddered as if he had seen the devil standing in front of him. "It's like the rest of the world doesn't matter. Like there isn't anything that can keep them away from each other."

I frown again, that is not healthy in the least. I listened to their musing for a couple minutes before leaving to get the old projector. Might as well get this over with. I set it up listening to them all talk, asking questions about the human body to each other and I have to stop myself from groaning. I know I said that they could talk to me but I didn't think they would be so... Open... About such a personal subject.

"Okay, everyone watch this and if you still have questions we will discuss it at the end of the film. They agreed and I hit play. The sex ed film from over the past century started playing and my students watched, focused. They didn't try to hide their embarrassment and they didn't squirm in their seats. They just watched the film as if it were some kind of great movie. Before long the film was done and they had at least a basic understanding of the human body and how it works.

"Any questions?" I ask watching them all mull it over before seeing Midnight in the back of the room. I mean when did she even get here?"

I saw a few hands go up and I started calling on them one at a time. When we were finally done I asked Midnight if there was anything that she wanted to add.

"Well that video is a bit dated of course but keep in mind that those with a mutated quirk will have to do most of their exploring on their own just because their bodies are not really the same." Midnight answered only happy with the way my class was currently going.

"Thank you, now I'll leave you to your lesson while I go and check on something," I leave the class and make my way to Recovery Girls Office. I knock and hear her tell me to enter.

"What can I do for you Aizawa?" She turns in her chair and looks at me. How do I even say this?

I take a deep breath before asking, "Can you tell me about the effects of nitroglycerin on the human body? Long term and short term." I see her eye me for a moment before she answers.

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