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A/N So extra chapter? Lol I woke up feeling good so I started editing. 🌈

Bakugo's POV
The week was long and the fact that we were going back to classes again did nothing to stop people from staring. Monamoa was surprisingly the least weird about it.

"You two came back from the dead? Didn't you suicide together?" He was trying to get a rise out of us and piss us off but I just laughed and Deku's giggles rang through the air. Our classmates were not so amused, all of them going into defensive positions only relaxing when they heard us. I could see their smiles of relief as they all lowered their guard.

Including Kiri, I miss hanging out with him so much but he needs time and space, I can understand that. And well, Deku might just kill him if he came onto me.

"Copycat, haven't you ever heard of undercover missions? Do you really think Deku and I would be so dumb, to actually end it all? Oh and your grammar really took a dive while we were gone, some might even say a swan dive?" I kept laughing and pulled on my lover's hand, hugging him to me, cuddling in his neck and kissing it as I did. I'm marking my territory you little bitch. Deku's giggles filled the air with my bad inside joke.

"Wait, you're gay?" He looked at me shocked and I just smiled, kissing Deku's neck again as an answer.

"We have to get to class now bye-bye Copycat bastard," I cooed as we walked away. Deku was only too happy to let me kiss him during the day, no more hiding for us!

It was really hard getting back into the swing of things. We yawned and dozed off a few times during math, irritating Dadizawa to the point he made us an offer. If we could answer the next questions correctly we could lay our heads down and nap. We took it and he gave us a question a good 5 or 6 chapters ahead of everyone and I rolled my eyes. We went up to the board and we each completed our problem like it was the easiest thing in the world. I mean come on we have been doing these since we were 6 but I guess he wouldn't have known that.

In the end I turned around and we both laid our heads on Deku's desk for a short nap before heroics.

During heroics we were told never again. Eraserhead, Dadizawa, decided to have us fight each other and well gym gamma will need repairs to say the least. And it ended in a draw, like hell we were going to go easy on each other and now that we had full use of our quirks again? Fuck, it was on! We only stopped because Eraserhead used his quirk on us and we both fell to the ground. I was completely wet because I had been using the water to lift myself into the air to match Deku who was using his telekinesis.

The week went by like this and we had a bunch of people come up, slowly at first, asking us what working undercover was like. Dumb ass saps, I wouldn't wish that hell on anybody. Several left us alone when they realized that we were not in the mood to talk about it but of course class B's Monamoa wouldn't let it fucking drop.

"Why won't you talk about it? Were you that bad at it?" He taunted us, it was not me that snapped...

I had to pull Deku off of the bastard and try to drag him away but he was kicking and screaming the whole time. Thankfully Present Mic walked up and heard the exchange giving the dumb ass detention while I tried to control Deku.

"You have no idea what it's like to be all alone surrounded by dozens of villains on an easy day, hundreds on an average day. You have no idea what it's like-!" I cut him off with a kiss to prevent him from saying it. Prevent him from saying that we thought we were going to die. Not again, never again I held him in my arms cooing about how we had our whole lives together. I almost didn't even see how our classmates surrounded us guarding us from the unwanted eyes of the other classes. Almost.

"Thanks it's a bit of a touchy subject," I sighed once we were safely back in our dorm common room again. It's Friday and I have to say that we made it through the week without too many incidents, it went better than I thought it would anyway.

"You want me to cook tonight? I was thinking of setting chili for tomorrow but it would be easy to throw something together tonight at the same time?" I looked around and saw everyone nodding and saw Iida thanking me for the offer. I leave for the kitchen and Deku goes to hang out with his friends, they are close by but we are trying to relax more around them. It wasn't lost on me either that round face was keeping her distance but she was still talking to him. So that had to be good right?

My phone rings while I'm cooking and I answer it, "Talk to me."

"Such a good little housewife aren't you?" I freeze at the voice. I know this voice but I thought he was...

"What do you want?" I growled, getting Deku's attention and I set the phone down and put it on speaker.

"I'm just calling to see how you're doing. Isn't that what being a good parent is about?" The man's voice chuckled and I could feel my hair standing on end.

"Since when have you cared about being a good parent?" Deku hissed, pulling me away from the phone a little. Thank All Might I have him, I wrap my arms around him letting him do the talking.

"Right, little Izuku. I will say I was surprised to hear about your quirk and what my lovely late wife had done but I wouldn't say I was disappointed. No one is better than my son," My father's voice hardened and I flinched away.

"Oh yes, because beating him is how you show him your love is that right? Oh that's right! You preferred to watch as we got beaten by whatever villain you were 'entertaining' that day," Deku ground out pissed. "What do you really want? We are not bailing you out of jail or prison or whatever."

My father's laughter filled the air, I gulped and when Deku slid himself in front of me I let him. "Awe that is the beauty of it isn't it? I'm already out and I was wanting to see my last remaining family member before I went back to work." A cold chill ran up my body at those words. Officially he sold timeshares but what he really did was work as a villain. The kind that gave nightmares to a seasoned pro hero.

"How?" I squeaked, unable to understand how he was let off the hook.

"Well someone forgot to mention my quirk when the guards switched out and they took off the erassure cuffs, those things are hot you know, and well the rest was a real bang." His laughter rang through the tiny speaker making him sound a bit tinny. My heart was thumping in my chest. My father never abused us like my mother; he stayed calm and collected all the time. But when the Hag took us to train us he watched every moment including how she forced us to kill for each other. We were 5 when she forced us to kill the first time. They were villains at least, but that really didn't make it any easier. The things he ordered us to do made my blood freeze in my veins.

"You broke out?" I whispered my heart rate jumping while it felt like I couldn't breathe. I started grabbing at my chest.

"We will catch you, we are heroes!" Deku hissed and I didn't fail to notice all our classmates and teacher quietly listening in.

My father's laughter boomed through the air before he finally said the words I never wanted to hear. "You are no hero, just a kid playing pretend. Don't forget who raised you, who taught you how to kill? Hmm? Heroes don't kill, I remember a certain brat screaming at me as I held a blade to another, a certain greenette." I see Deku rub his neck subconsciously and I can feel the tears brimming in my eyes.

"Heroes will save those in front of them. You are the monster and we don't need or want anything from you other than to put you back in prison." Deku growled, he wrapped an arm behind him and around me bringing me back to reality again.

I snapped out of it, "Old man, a hero will find you and when you die, alone, don't think about us." I reached over and ended the call, my hand shaking as I did but I did it anyway. I released the breath I didn't know I was holding and I couldn't be happier when Deku turned around hugging me. I didn't even know I was crying or when it started, I just knew that my voice was firm during the call. Otherwise I didn't have a clue.

"Tomorrow we'll go and get new phones," Deku cooed in my ear and I broke. It hurt so much, I thought we were finally free but we're not.

Will we ever actually be free?

Wait... How did he know I was cooking?

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