Chapter Fourteen: Call Me, Baby

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When Jimin pulled out, cum dripped down your thighs...a mixture of yours and Jimin's.  Jimin watched the wetness and laughed, helping you pull down your skirt and shirt and bra, to re-dress.

"Girls, the next stop is ours!" Your Dad called out, still oblivious. Nala raised her eyebrows at you.

"Where's my thong?" You asked, glancing around. Jimin pulled it out of his pocket, smelled it close to his face and put it back in his pocket with a grin.

"Finders keepers." He smirked. "But I'll give you something else in exchange." With a flourish, he pressed a business card into your hand. "Call me, okay, baby? I like your kinks..."

"What?" you gasped, still breathless.

"You enjoyed everyone watching us, did you not know that about yourself, beautiful?" He winked, and you stared at him in shock, not sure how to respond, your brain working overtime. And then the bus was slowing, and you found yourself following your Dad and sister off the bus in a trance.

Belligerence remained on the bus, watching you walk away, the only ones noticing how damp your thighs were or how flushed your face was.

"You are saving that card until I turn 18," Nala grumbled into your ear as you followed your Dad into the mall.

You swallowed, and wondered if you could even resist calling for more than one day...


Author Note:

Sorry for the delay on the last two chapters, I hope you guys enjoyed this! 

I know it's so smutty and kinky but whatever, we all need some fun in our lives sometimes!

Please go onto the next part to learn about some of my other books/series!

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