It's Setting In

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To My Hot Photographer – Help, I'm being forced to help Wendy shop.

From My Hot Photographer – Where are you shopping?

To My Hot Photographer – I don't know, I hate shopping. :(

From My Hot Photographer – Why? Shopping is fun! ;)

To My Hot Photographer – No it's not. :( Plus, I'm not shopping for myself. And Wendy is so fucking picky. UGH. I just wanna go home and unpack my shit.

"Roseanne," Wendy said, her voice loud enough that Roseanne figured she'd been trying to get her attention for a few minutes. "Which one of these is prettier?"

"The red one!" Jisoo exclaimed, crossing her arms. Roseanne looked up finally, glancing at the two dresses that her blonde friend was holding up expectantly.

"I like the red one," Roseanne agreed.

"You barely even looked at them," Wendy huffed out, looking at the dresses again and away from Roseanne.

"Roseanne's being distracted by her hot photographer girlfriend," Jisoo said, smirking

Wendy laughed. "As per usual."

"Just because you two are single doesn't mean you need to be bitter and jealous," Roseanne bit back, smiling a little. Her phone went off, and her gaze dropped down again.

From My Hot Photographer – So make up an excuse to leave?

"Well, after tonight, I may not be single anymore," Wendy said happily.

To My Hot Photographer – Jisoo's with us. She knows I don't have anything to do.

"Meanwhile, here I am," Jisoo muttered, rolling her eyes.

From My Hot Photographer – I'd offer to call you, but I'm at work. :(

"Is Roseanne texting Lisa again?"

To My Hot Photographer – I know :(

"Roseanne," Wendy whined, pulling her brown gaze away from her phone again.

The blonde looked up again. "I told you, I like the red one. You'd look good in either, Wendy, so don't worry about it. Plus, if the guy is going to be the right one, he'll like you for more than the dress you're wearing anyway."

"True, I guess," Wendy muttered.

"You still want to look smoking though," Jisoo insisted, "and the red one is perfect. I'd almost want to fuck you if you were wearing it."

Wndy smirked, and Roseanne raised an eyebrow at her best friend. "Your gay is showing, Jisoo."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Jisoo said, rolling her eyes.

The two of them left Wendy at around six in the evening, getting back to their apartment at the perfect time to order takeout. When their Chinese food arrived at their doorstep, they sprawled across the couch that took up easily half of the living room. Roseanne had lots of memories of laying on that couch – sleeping, crying, wallowing. It didn't bother her, though. "So," Roseanne started, as they ate their food, "I think I'm going to New York the weekend after next."

"Good," Jisoo said. "I think you should. You and Lisa haven't seen each other recently enough."

"I agree," Roseanne said quietly.

There was a pause, and then Jisoo let out a breath. "What's up, babe?"

"I just... it sucks. That Lisa and I have to be long distance. We weren't even apart for a single day for three week straight. Well... except for one day, but that was the day after I met her basically," Roseanne said, shaking her head slightly.

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