A Moment In Paradise...

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Roseanne heard Lisa begin stirring in her bed the next morning as she was brushing her teeth, so she hurriedly finished and then peeked back into her room just as Lisa was sitting up and looking around. "Good morning," Roseanne said, grinning at her girlfriend.

"Why are you out of bed?" Lisa muttered, pouting. "We have to spend as much time as we can pretending that we're still sleeping so that no one comes and interrupts us."

"Actually, that's exactly why I got up," Roseanne admitted, turning off the bathroom light before making her way toward the bed. "I had to make a few calls, but... we officially have all day together, uninterrupted."

"Roseanne, I didn't want you to have to take off of work..."

"It's fine, Lisa, really," Roseanne insisted. "Brian just got out of a long week of meetings and shit about his new restaurant thing, so he said he'd be happy to work the bar tonight. And anyway, that's not all I did to get us uninterrupted time. I talked to Solbin and Jisoo, and they both agreed to keep everyone away from us this weekend. Or... at least, today. You're mine today."

"I'm always yours," Lisa reminded her, raising a perfect eyebrow and causing Roseanne to flush. She slid under her blankets next to her girlfriend and grinned.

"I know, but... physically. You and I are both here in DC, and we're going to make it worth it. Which is why... I have a whole day planned out."

Lisa's jaw dropped. "How did you plan a whole day? I'm the one who surprised you, remember?"

"Well, since I actually live here, I kind of know what there is to do," Roseanne answered, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, are you going to try and figure out how, or are you going to let me tell you how we're going to spend our whole day together, just us?"

Lisa pursed her lips purposefully, and Roseanne smiled softly.

"So, we're not going to get up until we are all sexed out – or cuddled out, I mean... I don't want to be presumptuous." Roseanne smirked as Lisa grinned. "And then once we are actually dressed – and yes, clothes are the worst part of the whole day – I'm going to take you out to lunch. And I'm going to pay. And then... well, this part is up for discussion. Because I wanted to show you the Smithsonian Art Museum, but you don't like art museums, so I thought we could compromise and go to the Smithsonian Museum of American History or something. Since you're a big history nerd."

Lisa bit back her wide smile. "That sounds great."

"Awesome! And then, I'm taking you out for dinner again."

"You won't let me pay for anything?"

"Of course not," Roseanne insisted, furrowing her eyebrows. "I only even told you the plan so that I could make sure that you were okay with it. At first, I wanted to keep it a secret and pull a Europe on you. Since you never told me where we were going."

"That's not true," Lisa argued, laughing lightly as she snaked one of her arms around Roseanne's waist and tugged her closer.

"Whatever... you paid for pretty much everything in Europe, and you pay for things for me too much. So, I'm paying for you all day today. Got it?" Roseanne narrowed her eyes, trying her best to look intimidating but only getting a small laugh, almost a giggle, from her girlfriend in response.

"Okay," Lisa finally agreed. "But until then... am I allowed to pay you back preemptively for this amazing day through means other than money?" Brown eyes darkened and looked pointedly down at Roseanne's naked body.

"Hmm, I guess it depends on what you have in mind to use as payment. Few things in this world are worth more than money," Roseanne teased, biting down on her lower lip as Lisa's hand began to run down her body.

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