Pass The Drinks

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"Ugh, get me some shots," Wendy grumbled as she plopped down at the bar in front of Roseanne. It was Friday, and the blonde understood the other girl's exhaustion. It had seemed to be a long week for everyone. Everyone was supposed to be meeting up at the bar now, however, Wendy was the first to arrive. Jisoo had gotten called into a work meeting after she'd gotten off, and Roseanne hadn't heard when she'd be at the bar.

"Sure," Roseanne said, smiling softly at her friend as she poured a couple of shots. "Long week?"

"The longest," Wendy grumbled. "Luckily, Kungsoo is gonna take me out tomorrow night."

"When do we get to meet this guy you keep going out with?" Roseanne asked, smiling knowingly at the other blonde. Wendy couldn't stop talking about this guy, but none of her friends had met him yet.

"I don't know," she replied, "sometimes, I guess. We still haven't met your girlfriend."

"She'll be down next weekend," Roseanne reminded her, smiling just at the thought, "so don't worry. You'll get to meet her."

"Ooh, we can all get drunk and party on Saturday – you won't be working, right?" Wendy asked, grinning.

"Correct, but good luck getting Lisa drunk," Roseanne said, laughing lightly. "I'll gladly drink, but she'll probably just sip whatever I give her and never ask for a refill."

The door to the bar busted open to reveal Solbin and Minhyun. "We have arrived!" the brunette exclaimed.

"Where's everyone?" Minhyun asked, eyeing Wendy and her two now empty shot glasses and then looking at Roseanne.

"Jisoo got called into a work thing. As for everyone else – who knows?"

"Seok may or may not be hooking up with someone right now – he won't answer my texts, but I think he went out about an hour ago. Thought he came here, but now that I know he didn't, I guess the other option is some club," Solbin offered up, shrugging. "Ah well, hit me up with something to lift my spirits, Rosie!"

"Two steps ahead of you, Solbin," Roseanne said, smiling at her and Minhyun as they sat down next to Minhyun. She was already halfway through making their drinks. "How was your guys' week?"

"Boring," Solbin answered, looking to her boyfriend, who shrugged.

"Yeah, nothing really interesting went on," he agreed.

Solbin nodded. "Which is why you won't be hearing from us all weekend after tonight. We have to make part of this week more interesting."

Wendy gagged exaggeratedly. "Gross."

Roseanne laughed, shaking her head at her friends as she slid them two drinks. Wendy gave her a pointed look, and she refilled one of her shot glasses. Just one, though, because it wasn't even ten yet.

Before anything else could be said, Jisoo was entering the building, a very exhausted look on her face. "Park, you better have something really fucking strong for me."

"I'm on it, babe," Roseanne replied, immediately grabbing what she needed. "What happened?"

"You wanna know what fucking happened?" Jisoo huffed, crossing her arms and not even bothering to sit down. "I got fucking fired."

Solbin's jaw dropped. "The hell? Why?"

Jisoo cleared her throat, clearly getting ready to mock someone. "'We're sorry, Miss Kim, but our budget for paying employees just got cut. That's not your fault of course, and someone else has already been fired because of that issue. But unfortunately, we believe that you have not been committed fully to this company as of late, and so you are one of the people we have to cut in order to keep our firm standing after the budget cuts'."

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