Guess Who's Back

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The rest of the week couldn't have gone by fast enough - though Roseanne and Lisa were both pleased when it seemed to go slightly faster than normal. Both of them were very excited for Lisa to come down to DC. After seeing each other just three weeks earlier, they knew that it was going to become increasingly harder for them to be apart for extended periods of time.

On Wednesday, during Lisa and Roseanne's phone call late at night, the brunette had asked Roseanne if it was okay if Jennie were to come down to DC as well. Roseanne had agreed easily - she definitely had no problem with Jennie staying with them as well. Though, as she told Lisa, she'd have to sleep on the couch in Roseanne and Jisoo's apartment. Apparently, that hadn't stopped Jennie. The blonde questioned briefly why Lisa's best friend wanted to come to DC, but she only received a vague answer that basically summed up to "Jennie's weird, she really had no reason for anything she does".

Nevertheless, Roseanne was sure that she and Lisa would have to kick both Jisoo and Jennie out of the apartment at some point during the weekend - or else the blonde would never hear the end of it from Jisoo, because she planned on having at least five hours worth of sex with her girlfriend. At least.

Aside from that, the only other interesting thing that happened in the quick five days was Jisoo's second date with Sophie, before she decided that there was no way that there would be a third date. According to Roseanne's best friend - "The girl is so boring. I can hardly force myself to pay attention to her. This is why dating is stupid, Roseanne." And with that, Roseanne decided that maybe it was best if she avoided trying to give her best friend dating advice.


Roseanne was up early on Friday morning, practically bouncing on her heels as she made sure that the apartment was somewhat presentable. When Lisa had seen it last, the living room had been chock full of Roseanne's stuff in boxes. Not to mention, it hadn't been her apartment in the slightest then, so now that she had the opportunity to clean it up to show off that she could be somewhat as neat as her girlfriend, she was definitely taking it.

She tried to force Jisoo to help her, but her best friend - mostly annoyed at having been awoken early when she didn't even have to work - only sat on the couch and scrolled through Instagram while Roseanne bustled around her. Finally, though, when Roseanne deemed her surroundings appropriate, she sat down on the couch next to her best friend. "So, did you get a call about that job you applied for on Monday?"

"Not yet," Jisoo replied, "but they said anywhere from four to ten days, so it could be next week. I'm actually really hoping that I get it, though. An IT position at a respectable company that will actually pay decently sounds like a gift from the gods."

"I hope you get it, too," Roseanne agreed, spreading her legs across the couch and invading Jisoo's space. Her best friend didn't even argue, and let Roseanne lay across the couch and stare up at the ceiling.

"Are you nervous or something?"


"Your foot is like shaking," Jisoo replied, poking the blonde's foot, which was nestled in her lap.

"Oh, I didn't notice."

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "Why are you so nervous? She's been here before, and it's not like I haven't met her before. And I'm sure from what you've told me, Anya and I will get along just fine."

"It's not about you," Roseanne insisted, shaking her head. "I'm thinking about tonight at the bar - because I have work and I just know that everyone's going to bombard Lisa while I can't do anything to keep her from everyone's prying questions."

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