Should We Talk About This

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Brown eyes flickered open and immediately stuck their gaze on the beautiful sight in front of them. Bare skin, soft and slightly tan, almost glowing due to the sun leaking into the room through the window across the room. Long, dark hair, littered slightly with tangles that were hardly noticeable among the thick curls. Roseanne sighed happily. Waking up next to Lisa was like a dream - but it was real. She adjusted her position slightly, and then her hand dropped gently onto her girlfriend's bare waist, tracing her fingers over invisible shapes.

She couldn't help but stare. Lisa was extraordinary, though Roseanne was hardly sure that that word was even near acceptable to describe the brunette. Lisa shivered suddenly, and Roseanne smiled, stilling her hand as brown eyes opened and immediately fixated on her. The sleepy brunette let out a soft sigh as she smiled. "Good morning."

"Morning," Roseanne murmured in response. "You're beautiful."

"You're not so bad yourself," Lisa replied, smirking slightly. She leaned a bit closer, pressing their lips together firmly. Roseanne reciprocated for a moment, but then pulled back. She wasn't aware of the time, and while she didn't want to know it, she knew that she had to check. She wanted to see the exhibit before she left New York, and she needed to leave at a decent time. The beautiful woman in front of her, however, gave her a pout.

"I have to check the time," Roseanne insisted, turning her body in order to reach for her phone on the nightstand. A quick glance at it told her that it was nine in the morning - a typical time for her wake up by instinct she supposed - and she let out a relieved sigh to see that it was still relatively early. "Lucky you," Roseanne said, smiling as she relaxed back into her previous position, "it's only nine. What time can we go to the gallery to see your pictures?"

"Anytime after eleven," Lisa replied softly. "But you know, we could just skip the gallery and stay in bed all day."

"I have to leave today Lisa, we can't stay in bed all day."

"No," Lisa whined, pouting again, "you can just stay here."

Roseanne chuckled. "I have work tomorrow," she reminded the brunette lightly, despite her own disappointment. "Plus, Jisoo might murder me. Everyone thinks I'm going to pull another Europe disappearing act."

"Ooh, let's do that," Lisa joked, smiling as her arms snaked their way around Roseanne's waist.

"I don't think running away is the solution," Roseanne murmured, wiggling slightly as she scooted closer to the brunette. Their noses were nearly touching now. "But that does sound nice." Silence settled between them for a moment, and it was surprisingly uncomfortable, considering how easy and light the normal silences were.

Lisa seemed to sense this as well, and she murmured quietly, "You know that I love you?"

"Of course."

"And I'll love you whether you're here or in DC?"

"I know, Lisa. I just feel like we're stuck."

Lisa exhaled almost silently. "We haven't been together for very long, you know? We're not perfect. We'll never be perfect."

"It feels perfect when I'm waking up next to you," Roseanne whispered, her eyes flickering closed as she focused on the feeling of being so close to Lisa. It was a sensation that she knew she could never get tired of. "Everyone keeps... just making me feel like we should be doing something about this."

"This? Long distance?"

"Yes." Roseanne's brown eyes opened again, reluctantly, and her gaze settled into Lisa's, which had apparently been focused on her even when her eyes had been closed. "Jisoo keeps talking about us moving and everyone keeps talking to me about you like they think I'm going to be heartbroken any day now."

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