Well That's Important

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Roseanne was tossing and turning all night. She couldn't help it. After getting off of the phone with Lisa at half past midnight, she'd made it her mission to sleep and prepare herself for talking to her girlfriend about her conversation with Brian. She hadn't brought it up during their short phone call, because she knew that it was going to undoubtedly bring up the conversation that both of them knew they needed to have.

However, sleep never came to her. She was up for almost the whole night, rolling over and adjusting her pillow and squeezing her eyes shut. She knew that it shouldn't be bothering her so much, but it got to the point that she grabbed her phone and texted her girlfriend.

To Sexy Evil GF – Call me when you wake up if you have time please <3

That was sent at three in the morning, and she thought that maybe having done something to further the task of bringing up the conversation to her girlfriend would allow her to sleep. No such luck, however, because she hadn't slept a wink in the three hours that it took for Lisa to answer her. She assumed, since she responded at six in the morning, that Lisa had work early, but the reply said otherwise.

From Sexy Evil GF – You still awake? Something wrong? I got called out of work today so I was gonna get up early and go to the gym, and I just got up.

Roseanne took in a shaky breath and sat up.

To Sexy Evil GF – I'm still awake.

The phone call came through almost immediately after she sent the text message. "Why the fuck are you awake, Roseanne?" Lisa demanded, though her voice was unbelievably soft and delicate. It was also sleepy sounding and kind of raspy, and it relaxed Roseanne immensely.

"I couldn't sleep."

"All night? Why didn't you call me?"

"I didn't want to wake you up," Roseanne murmured, pulling her legs up to her chest and hugging her chest.

"Why couldn't you sleep?" Lisa asked softly, not pressing the issue of Roseanne not reaching out to her.
Roseanne let out a long breath. "I have to tell you something really exciting."

"Okay," Lisa said slowly. "You don't sound particularly excited to tell me." Roseanne inhaled deeply, trying to decide how to justify the lack of excitement in her voice.

Rather than do that, however, she decided instead to simply tell Lisa the facts. "Brian, my boss, offered to sell me the bar. He's going to sell it to me for basically a steal, and I should be the owner of it by the end of the year, so in a few months."

"Roseanne, that's amazing," Lisa said, without any hesitation. "You love that place – that's absolutely incredible. I mean, I'm assuming you're still going to want to bar tend, but owning a place like that basically secures you for as long as it keeps being successful."

"Yeah," the blonde agreed.

There was silence for a moment. "Babe, what's wrong? Why were you so nervous about telling me about that that you couldn't sleep?"

Roseanne had tears in her eyes, and she wasn't sure whether she was weak for them or not. She shouldn't be as terrified about this topic as she was, but she absolutely couldn't help it. She swallowed thickly, preparing her voice for speaking again. "Um. I was worried that you would be upset. Because... owning this place kind of ties me here."

Lisa's exhale was quick and quiet and Roseanne barely heard it. She couldn't tell what emotion the breath held. "Roseanne, you were tied down to DC when I met you."

"That's not true," Roseanne whispered.

"Yes, it is," Lisa insisted. "You grew up there. Your mom lives there. Your best friend who is basically your sister lives there. All of your other friends that you've known since starting college live there. Your job is there – and that job means so much to you. I was never going to ask you to leave all of that for me, Roseanne. You can't have thought that I would be upset that something so amazing is happening for you."

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