Who's What

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Roseanne felt herself stirring as she began to hear speaking. It took her a moment to register that she was laying on her and Jisoo's couch, sleeping practically on top of her best friend, and not at Lisa's apartment in New York.

It took another moment to realize that Jisoo was talking on her phone to Lisa. "No, she fell asleep as soon as she got home, but she's fine."

"Jisoo?" Roseanne murmured, rubbing her eyes, realizing that tears were dried onto her face. She forced herself to sit up, and Jisoo immediately shoved her cell phone at her.

"It's your hot photographer."

"Hey," Roseanne said sleepily into the phone, hoping that it didn't sound like she'd been crying. She knew that it couldn't have been too long since she'd gotten home, because Lisa would've called earlier if that were the case. "Sorry I forgot to call right away."

"It's okay, you were tired," Lisa stated, seeming to gather that from Jisoo's assertion that she'd fallen asleep right away when she'd gotten home. Roseanne decided not to correct her girlfriend by saying that actually, she'd only fallen asleep due to the sobs that had been shaking through her body. "Was the drive okay?"

"Yep," Roseanne answered, hoping that her voice wasn't shaking at all as she thought about her long, depressing drive. "Got my gummy worms."

"Of course," Lisa said, and Roseanne could picture the sad smile that must be settled across her lips. "I didn't mean to wake you up. You should go back to bed."

"It's too early for sleep," Roseanne muttered, as her best friend got up off of the couch to go into the kitchen, and Roseanne slid her legs out across the soft cushions. "But you have work early tomorrow, so maybe it's you who needs to go to sleep."

"Maybe," Lisa agreed. "I better do that then. I love you."

"I love you too," Roseanne whispered, suddenly fighting tears again. It had hurt like this when Lisa had gone back to New York City just over three months ago, after dropping Clarke off in DC. Since then, the pain had dulled so that it was a normality, and the crying had stopped after a few days too. Especially once work had picked up again, and Roseanne slipped back into her normal routines with her friends. But after going back to see Lisa, the pain was fresh again. She knew that it would dull out as it had before, but she didn't know that that was a good thing. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Goodnight, Rosie." The line ended, and the blonde dropped her phone onto her lap and let out a sigh.

"How about we go get drinks?" Jisoo suggested, suddenly leaning over the back of the couch with raised eyebrows. "I texted the gang, they're all in."

"Don't you all have work in the morning?" Roseanne asked, glancing at the time to see that it was eight in the evening.

"Fuck that," Jisoo insisted, grinning. "Let's go get plastered!"

Half an hour later found Roseanne being pulled into a club behind her best friend. In front of them were their group of friends, already gathered together. "Hey, Roseanne! How was your weekend?" Minhyun greeted first, flashing her a wide smile.

"It was nice," Roseanne answered, trying to fight her negative emotions and focus on the good of the weekend.

"We need to have an official party night next weekend," Sehun declared, "since we missed out on you this weekend."

"Deal," Roseanne agreed.

"Until then," Solbin said, grabbing Roseanne's hand and started to pull both her and Jisoo toward the bar, "let's drunk you guys up."

"You know that's not a proper sentence right?" Seokjun asked, following them toward the bar as well.

"Fuck proper sentences!" Solbin exclaimed, releasing Roseanne's hand in order to turn and order some drinks or another. Roseanne hardly cared – either way she would probably be slightly disappointed in how good it was, and Solbin knew what kind of drinks she liked.

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