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It was two weeks later, a total of three weeks since the last time that Roseanne and Lisa had seen each other in person and halfway through the month that Jennie had to move out of New York that found herself the most bored and alone she'd felt in a while. It was Friday morning, and she woke up feeling at a loss. Her first instinct was to get up and find Jisoo, but her best friend most definitely had work that morning, and she knew that Solbin was at the gym with Minhyun all day as well. And most all of Roseanne's friends worked during the day on weekdays anyway.

That was the worst part about working at the bar, honestly. All of her friends always wanted to relax at night, and that was when Roseanne was always working. If it weren't for that, her job would be completely flawless.

She wasn't sure what Lisa's work times were that day, but she was sure that Jisoo was getting out of work early – at three. Her best friend hadn't actually told her that, but she'd seen the email pop up on Jisoo's phone that had been an approval for her to leave early the day before. So once had Roseanne dragged herself out of bed and was pouring herself some cereal, she sent a text to her best friend.

To Jisoo – I saw on your phone yesterday that you get off early today. Wanna hang for a couple of hours before I go to work? X

Despite her friend being at work, the reply was almost immediate.

From Jisoo – Actually, I have an errand to run. Sorry! Will see you tonight, though, promise!

Roseanne sighed and scrolled through her contacts lazily. She was pretty sure that everyone she would want to hang out would be working, but she wasn't sure about Seokjun, so she shot him a text.

To Bell Boy – You working this morning?

From Bell Boy – Nope! Netflix and chill? ;)

To Bell Boy – You're gross.

From Bell Boy – I'll be there in ten.

Seokjun had always been easy to hang out with, at least for Roseanne. While Solbin usually bickered with him, understandably, and Jisoo tended to just make fun of him and joke around with him a lot, Roseanne found that she could have some of the deepest conversations ever with him. It was pretty weird, considering that she'd known him for less time than she'd known Solbin, and for way less time than she'd known Jisoo.

He showed up at the apartment ten minutes after texting, and Roseanne let him in. "Hey. I am so bored, and everyone is working."

"Wow, I'm your last resort? Thanks a lot," Seokjun said, rolling his eyes dramatically as he entered the apartment and plopped down onto the couch. "What about Lisa? Can't call her?"

"Like I said, working." Roseanne sighed and sat on the other end of the couch. "So what's up with you? How's life? How's your mom?"

"She's good. No more injuries yet," Seokjun answered, smirking. "She'd like you and your mom to come over sometime, though. Maybe we can all go out sometime, actually, that way neither of our moms have to host."

"That'd be fun," Roseanne agreed. "What about you?"

"Eh, I'm fine," Seokjun answered, shrugging. "Nothing too great going on. Meanwhile, all you people have your lives getting put more and more together. I should get a girlfriend, honestly."

"Easier said than done."

Seokjun rolled his eyes. "Not for everyone else. Minhyun and Solbin were bound to get together. Jisoo comes out and days later is hooking up with someone. Wendy's got a boyfriend, Sehun... okay well, Sehun lost his girlfriend, but he had one. You disappear to Europe to have an existential crisis and get a girlfriend. And then there's me."

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