There's A Solution to Everything... Right?

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Lisa got off relatively early from work that Friday, which was nice, because after a long week of working and pushing through life without Roseanne again, she could use some off time. She was working just one Saturday shift too, which was nice. No work on Sunday either. Her weekend was going to pan out pretty well. It could've been way better, of course, if Roseanne were there.

After parking her car in her parking space, she grabbed her things and started up to her apartment, and her phone suddenly went off. Without thinking, she answered it, assuming that it was probably Roseanne - her girlfriend would be heading into work soon, though.

However, it wasn't Roseanne.

"Hey, Lisa!" a painfully sweet voice exclaimed.

"Iseul," Lisa replied, not even trying to hide the disinterest in her voice, and rolling her eyes without thinking. Her mind thought back to what Jennie had said about her ex girlfriend the previous week, and she couldn't help but scoff. Iseul had never rightfully even gained Lisa's forgiveness for cheating on her years earlier, and Lisa, though not typically one to hold a grudge, was still upset at the lack of a real apology.

Cheating was something that she considered almost always unforgivable, after all, and Iseul hadn't even offered up an attempt at an apology. "I heard through the gay grapevine that you're dating a girl you met in Europe."

"Gay grapevine told you the truth," Lisa stated bluntly, nearing her apartment now much to her relief. The sooner she could collapse onto her couch and make an effort to get Iseul to stop talking to her, the better.

"Kind of ironic, isn't it? Since we were supposed to go to Europe together."

"Oh yes, Iseul, it's quite ironic that during my second trip to Europe, I met an amazing girl whom I love very much, and that five years ago, I went to Europe feeling hopeless and alone because my new ex had just cheated on me days before our Europe trip," Lisa snapped back bitterly, not really appreciating where this conversation was going.

"Chill out, Lisa. I've apologized for that."

Brown eyes rolled again. Iseul had never apologized for any of the shit she'd done. It hadn't ever really bothered Lisa, at least not until it really affected her. "What do you want, Iseul?"

There was a sigh at the other end of the phone. "I've recently realized that I miss you."

"Oh, have you?"


"Good to know," Lisa deadpanned, before lacing her word with sarcasm as she added, "let me just break up with my amazing girlfriend to get back with you, the girl who cheated on me once already."

"Ease up on the hate, Lis," Iseul huffed out. "Doesn't your girlfriend live in Seattle or something?"

"Washington DC," Lisa corrected, fighting yet another eye roll. "Not nearly as far. And I'm sorry to tell you, though I'm really not, that despite the distance, I'm perfectly happy dating her, and I'm not interested in you at all."

The phone call ended abruptly, and if Lisa didn't know Iseul very well, she'd have guessed that the connection had been lost. But it was just like Iseul to hang up when she didn't want to continue a conversation. That had once pissed Lisa off on countless occasions, but now, she was glad to have the call end.

Now inside her apartment, she sat down on her couch and opened up her text message.

To Jennie (asshole) - Iseul came prowling. Via phone.

The response was almost instantaneous.

From Jennie (asshole) - I swear it was Junhwa who told her shit about Roseanne.

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