Sappy 'Cuz I Miss You

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Roseanne woke to the feeling of fingers scraping gently against her scalp, occasionally stopping their motion to play with tendrils of soft, blonde hair. It was easily one of the most comforting feelings, pleasant enough to keep Roseanne from immediately thinking about the fact that it was Sunday, and that Lisa would have to go home that day. However, it was impossible not to think about it at all. The thought haunted her, and she instinctively pulled herself impossibly closer to the brunette to keep away from it.

"Roseanne?" a soft voice whispered. "Are you awake?"

"No," the blonde mumbled in denial, only to hear a soft chuckle in response.

"I have to pee."




"I will pee in your bed."

Roseanne finally detached herself from her girlfriend, forcing her eyes open to glare at Lisa, who was giving her a bright smile nonetheless. The brunette quickly scrambled out of the bed, running into the bathroom quickly. Roseanne sighed, grabbing the pillow Lisa had been using and cuddling into it. It smelled like her girlfriend, despite the fact that Lisa had showered with her shampoo. It was a smell that was just innately Lisa.

She heard the bathroom door reopen rather than seeing it, because her eyes were already resealed shut. "Hey, that's mine."

"Actually," Roseanne mumbled in response, "it's definitely mine. But it smells like you."

Lisa gently tugged it out of Roseanne's grasp, despite the tired, half-assed effort Roseanne put in to keep her grip on it. "You know what else smells like me?" The brunette crawled back under the blankets, and brown eyes peeled open again to meet darker ones as Lisa scooted closer to her. "Me."

"True," she agreed, wrapping her arms around the brunette and burying her face into Lisa's chest. She was wearing a tank top, but her cleavage was readily available. She let out a surprised squeak as Roseanne poked her tongue out against the valley between her boobs.


"I'm sorry, they're just so soft," Roseanne murmured contently, snuggling into Lisa's boobs.

"You are seriously too much," Lisa teased, her hands sliding under the back of the blonde's shirt and dragging over the soft skin there, before sliding down and under Roseanne's shorts and underwear to grab her ass.

"Hey," the blonde huffed lazily.

"If you can touch, so can I."

"Fair enough."

There was suddenly a knock on the door. "Morning, sleepyheads!"

"Leave us alone, Jisoo!" Roseanne called in annoyance.

"We have company, loser. In the form of another Park."

Roseanne pulled away from the brunette quite unhappily, and Lisa gave her a curious look. "My mom?"

"Unless you're accustomed to ghosts visiting you, I'm pretty sure that was obvious," Jisoo called back.

"Fuck off, Jisoo!" Roseanne snapped, furrowing her eyebrows.

"You're right, that was bad. Sorry. Anyway, I'm getting a glare from the other Park now and I can feel yours through the door, so do you mind dragging your asses out of bed so that I don't die? Thanks, I appreciate it! Meanwhile, I'm going to attend to the naked hottie in my bed," Jisoo called, and Roseanne could practically hear her smirk.

"Jisoo!" she heard her mother scold instantly.

"Well, I guess my mom's here," Roseanne groaned, pulling herself away from Lisa completely in order to roll out of bed and begin to stumble her way to her dresser.

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